Chapter Three: Aftermath

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Mickey didn't know when, but somehow Tabby made her way on stage to the two. She grabbed Mickey's attention away from the girl's body. She gasped when a hand was placed on her side, she felt like her breath was caught in her throat. Everything sounded muffled as the Haworthe girl spoke to the Adams girl.

The Diaz girl didn't know what came over her, but her feet began to move. She kept on walking until she stopped just before Karen on the floor. She didn't hear the other calling out to her. She crouched down and fell to her knees. She took a deep breath and tried to reach her hand out, trying to stop it from shaking too much. She knew it was unlikely, but she had to check if she was still alive.

The girl was pale. Mickey checked the girls pulse and could already feel her body turning cold. She wasn't moving. There was nothing. Not a breath, not a heartbeat, not even the smallest wheeze. She was gone. And Mickey knew. Of course she knew. She just had to confirm it officially to give them all a sense of... something. Anything.

"Imogen, we have to go. We have to go. Imogen!" Tabby's voice came back into the Diaz girl's ears slightly. She looked over to Mickey still kneeling over the girls body, examining the blood she got on her hands and the little she got on her sleeves. "Mickey. Mickey, we need to go now. Right now!"

Noa seen that Mickey wasn't moving anytime soon. So she hurried up the steps and grabbed onto her arm, pulling her up, looping her arm through hers and taking her away from the girl's body just as Kelly Beasley ran over to her sister on the stage floor.

"Come on, we have to get out of here fast." Noa told the girl, who finally looked up at her and quickly nodded, trying not to trip over her feet as she stumbled up and across the stage, leaving down the small set of stairs let led up the stage, the two still holding onto to one another, not wanting to let go.

Mickey turned back to see Kelly crying near her sister's body while Greg was freaking out, pacing back and forth.

Mickey hesitated when she seen the boy worrying about his girlfriend. She was going to make a move to go check on him, but when the two made eye contact, Greg waved her off and just told her to go. And when she remained staring at him for a few seconds, he nodded in reassurance, letting her know it was fine if she left, even though he was panicking and in shock.

"Go! I'll be okay." He declared, seeing as Mickey stopped and was going to come up to him after freeing herself from Noa's grip. He looked over at his girlfriend's twin sister, who was still sobbing over her sister's body. "We'll call someone. I got her. Just go. You need to make sure you're not here in case whenever the cops and shit get here."

"Are you sure?" Mickey questioned as her heart pounded, pretty sure the boy standing before her felt the same way-- or worse, along with the girls twin. "I'll stay with you guys, if you need--"

Greg approached her and place this hands on her shoulder tightly, trying to get it through her thick head that she needed to get out of there right that second. Mickey grabbed his head and the side of his neck to keep him in place to see the look in his eyes. He was adamant about her getting out of there before anyone else showed up-- since the gymnasium was now pretty much empty from everyone running out due to what they all had just witnessed happen.

"I'm sure, Mick. I got this. Please, just-... Just go."

Mickey nodded and Greg gave her a single one back, while the girls shouted at the Diaz girl to hurry because they had to go as fast as possible. Noa hurried back over and grabbed Mickey's hand once more to drag her away.

The group of six girls made their way out and into the hallway of the school.

"That did not just happen." Noa said as the girls speed walked through the halls.

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