Chapter Four: The (Fe)male Gaze

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Mickey and her new friends sat back in the library again, doing their own work or thing while being in detention. The Diaz girl was still slightly pissed at what had happened a few weeks prior when they were at the cemetery.

The beat up, old rusted, and faded red van was still stuck in her mind. Practically nagging at her every chance inside that it could with every passing moment.

She should have taken a picture for proof. Evidence that they could possibly use later on at some point. Or at the very least memorized the licence plate of the vehicle. She didn't even know if the car had one at all. She doesn't remember if she saw one when the masked man drove away.

Other things were clearly on her mind in those moments. She couldn't even remember if she saw him make a left or a right out of there. Not that it'd narrow it down for the search.

If she was just so happening to plan one, all on her own.

And if he didn't, then not only was he probably a few steps ahead of them, but he was smarter than they originally thought.

The Diaz girl glanced up from writing something down in her notebook when she looked in a textbook and followed along with the words with a finger gliding smoothly across the pages to keep it in that specific section in order for her to be completely focused, after she had removed the pencil from behind her ear to write down what she needed to take notes of.

Imogen's phone began ringing, which caused all the girls to stop what they were doing to meet the Adams girls eyes when she picked up her phone slightly to see who was calling her, catching the attention of the woman who was appointed to take over detention, and also just so happened to be the librarian.

Without looking away from reading her book as she flipped the page, the woman spoke. "No phones in detention."

Imogen stood from her seat, quickly gathering her things, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Murray, but... it's my doctor. I have to take this."

She showed her phone off to her and goes to walk out, stopping for a second as Faran held out a pen for her to grab.

"Thank you." The pregnant girl said before walking out into the halls.

Now outside after their detention was finally over, for good hopefully, the six girls felt relieved.

"Thank god that's over." Faran stated once she and a few of the others sat down at the statue their school had in the yard.

"No shit." Noa commented. "Two weeks of detention is nothing after juvie, but... still."

"It was lucky." Tabby chimed in. "We were lucky."

"So, what happens now?"

"What do you mean? I go back to 'Swan Lake."

"And I go back to training, counting the minutes till my ankle monitor comes off."

"Are you asking about... "A," Mouse?" Imogen questioned the girl wearily, not really wanting to bring it back up again.

"It's been two weeks and no more psychotic texts. Maybe he's moved on?"

Even if he has, I certainly haven't. The Diaz girl knew that she wouldn't let it go. She couldn't. But she had her own reasons why...

"No offense," Mickey told tabby, addressing the rest of the girls as she added in, "but do you guys really think that it'd be that easy? Cause I don't."

"Way to be optimistic." Tabby shot at her.

"Hey, I'm a realist." Mickey defended herself. "Plus, I don't see anyone else here having these general questions and concerns besides Mouse."

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