Chapter Two: The Spirit Queen

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About Six months ago

Mickey made her way through house of drinking teens, on her way to get another cup. She noticed others, drinking, talking, dancing, making out, and laughing. The basics at a party. It wasn't Mickey's first one and it sure wouldn't be her last. Just as she was gonna walk into the kitchen, she bumped into somebody. Or rather somebody bumped into her.

"Ooh, sorry!" Imogen apologized as the Diaz girl caught her by the arm. Mickey smiled and shook her head at the girl as she let her go.

"You're good, Adams."

Imogen smiled at the sight of the girl, "Oh, Mickey. Hey."

"Hey." The taller girl chuckled, "What are you up to?"

"Out of beer. So, I have to go find Greg and ask him if he can go get more." The Adams girl rolled her eyes causing Mickey to chuckle in response.

"Why can't Karen ask him?" Noticing the look on Imogen's face, Mickey laughed in realization, "Fighting again?"

"Mhm." Imogen confirmed with a nod and she motioned behind her into the kitchen, "There's a few cups left. You should get one before they're gone."

"Thanks." Mikayla nodded with a smile which Imogen returned as she went to walk past the girl. The Diaz girl turned around and shouted after the girl, "If he doesn't want to, I'll go."

"Okay. Thanks, Mick!" Imogen yelled back just before Mickey turned around and entered the kitchen. She made her way over to the counter and grabbed a cup, chugging the beer. Some girl came up to her with a flirty smile.

"Hey." She leaned against the counter as she looked Mickey over. "Wanna take some shots with me?"

Mickey smirked as she took the girl in and shrugged, "Sure."

"Good." The girl replied before grabbing Mickey's hand and guiding her to the other side of the kitchen. Once they stood in front of the bottles, Mickey began to pour the two of them shots. She poured them three shots each. The Diaz girl turned to the girl next to her and handed her a shot.

"Think you can hang?" Mickey smirked at the girl.

"Please. I can handle it." The girl replied with a smirk that made Mickey raise her eyebrows with an even bigger smirk. Of course her mind went there.

"You sure about that?" Mickey asked taking a step closer to the girl.

"I'm positive." The girl nodded as she also stepped closer to the taller girl. Mickey wasn't gonna lie. She actually liked the way this was going. The girl spiked an interest in her. She had a bad girl type of vibe. Mickey was the same way and she knew why it attracted her to the girl.

"Okay." Mickey chuckled as she grabbed one of her shots, "Back to back. You cool with that?"

"Of course." The girl said as she raised her first shot glass.

"On three. One, two, three!" Mickey counted down and the two took the first shot and then the second before grabbing the last one and slamming their glasses down on the counter. "You can hang."

"I told you I could." The girl shrugged with a smile. "Wanna dance?"

"I don't even know your name." Mickey chuckled in response.

"Nickayla." The girl informed, "But everyone calls me Nicki."

"Mickey." Mickey introduced herself to the girl with a chuckle. The two chuckled at their names sounding alike. "My full name is Mikayla, but my nickname is Mickey."

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