The First day of school Pt 2.

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Glad to see y'all again~
Enjoy~ 😍


Recap of the previous chap

"Haters are gonna hate. You don't have to retaliate" i mumbled and calmed myself down and went to find aether


Lumine's POV :

/Ugh i hate it here so much/ i thought as i stood like an idiot in the hallway

/I don't know where the goddamn cafeteria is!/ I thought as i went to my locker

"Maybe in here?" I mumbled as i looked through the map ms jean gave me of the school with our schedules

/Ah ha! Found it!/ I thought happily as i got where the cafeteria is

/Aether should be there/ i thought and headed to the cafeteria, on my way the gigantic hat guy was there, i rolled my eyes and continued on my way

/God if this weren't my first day of school, I'd punch that hoe, i took my karate class just for nothing!/ I thought as i held my anger back and before i knew i got to the cafeteria

/Yes, so now to find aether../ i looked at the cafeteria it was huge for no reason, there's not much students here anyway

And i found aether, and went towards him

"Aether!" I yelled as i got closer a bit, he turned around and waved his hand, as i got closer i saw another presence there

"Oh xiao!" I said happily, he also waved

"Hey Lumine" he said he remembers my name

"Heya sis" said aether, i went sat besides aether

"So did you two meet in the hallway or here?" I asked them

"Oh no we're classmates" said aether i got so jealous of him

"Ugh lucky you" i said in annoyance and turned away my head

"Why? Is smth wrong?" Asked aether, i looked at him

"Well remember when i bumped on someone -that was rude af- yesterday before meeting xiao?" I said, he nodded, xiao just listened

"Yea i do" said aether

"Well guess what? He's my classmate AND tablemate UGH!" I said in frustration

"Did he do anything?" Said aether with sn amused face

"He tried to push me down from the chair with his big ass hat and even had the audacity to smirk, and then after class was over i got up to go to my locker, he fucking tripped me." I said in a dark tone, with murderous aura

"I-is the guy even alive-?" Said aether

"Ugh unfortunately, it's my first time i don't wanna get in Trouble cause of his bitch ass!" I said in a whining tone and aether patted my back

"Well, we only have one person with s gigantic hat, and it is scaramouche" said xiao looking us

"Yeah whatever his name is, he's still an asshole" i said as i rolled my eyes

"He's rude to everyone, but he's third strongest in the anemo division" said xiao

"Pfft third-" said lumine

"Yeah the first is the anemo archon the second is me then the third is him, he's also a top student in the school" said xiao with a straight face

"Hm, well I'm here now, I'm top at my studies and combat" i said with a smile

"Wow, self-confident much?" Said aether ruining my mood

"Shut up don't ruin my mood" i said glaring at him he raised his hands in defeat

"Ah I've been meaning to ask, how come you both got accepted here if you don't have a vision?" Asked xiao curious

"Oh well, we for some unknown reason can manipulate all the elements, if we touch they're statue, as in if i touch the electro archons statue of seven I will have full control on electro and use it like a vision" said aether as i agreed, while nodding

"Fascinating.." he said that went quite again well eh?

"Well xiao is showing me around school, you wanna come?" Said aether,i got happy

"Yes!" I said happily

"K then after school we're touring the school" said aether, xiao nodded

"Okay~" i said with a grin

We ate our breakfast, since it was still 8am

After eating, me and aether had PE but xiao had geography

"So i think we should go change-" said aether

"Yeah no shit Sherlock" i said rolling my eyes

"Oh shush, go now" he said pushing me to the women's changing room

"Ugh fine" i went to the ladies changing room saw many women, god i hate my life


And done sorry it's kinda short but i wanted it to be short cause my hand hurts 🤡

So see y'all in the next chapter ☺️❤️❤️
Byee ❤️❤️

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