A change of air

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Zawa, that's what I loved to call Eraserhead picked me up and brought me to the living room couch. There he put me down and also covered me with a light blanket where Nem came over with some apple juice because who needs water? Besides that Zashi just let himself down right next to me hugging me a bit as well.

Zashi: Soo how are you feeling?

Me: Better.

Zawa: Anything that makes you uncomfortable?

Me: Nope. How is your class?

Zawa: Annoying.

Me: I see.

Nem: Still want to be in the hero class?

Me: Yup.

Zawa: You would be an awesome hero.

Zashi: No doubt about that.

Me: It just sucks.

Nem: Aww but you are getting better.

Zashi: That reminds me.... did something happen?

Nem: Yeah I was wondering the same thing.

Me: No... why?

Zawaw: Because you didn't get sick in a long while.

Me: ....

Nem: You can tell us everything.

Zashi: Besides you can't lie to us. We are heroes and Zawa will know for sure. He is as good as Tsuki.

Me: *sigh*

Zawa: Don't make me go up and look over in your notebooks for a clue.

Me: *le gasp* You wouldn't dare to!

Nem: Ohh he would.

Zashi: He once went over my locker in our teachers room and went over my stuff just because I hid a gift for our weddingsday from him and acted weird. 

Me: ...

Zawa: Soo.

Me: Promise me you won't tell dadzu.

Nem: You got our words.

Me: I went out last night. 

Zashi: Why would you do that?

Zawa: Better question how did you do that?

Me: Used my quirk and got out.

Nem: WHAT?!

Zashi: Why?!

Zawa: That was stupid.

Me: But dadzu never lets me get out! I just want to see something from the world and not be stuck in here.

Nem: Awww.....

Zashi: He has a point tho.

Zawa: And you know the reasons why he is not supposed to go out!

Nem: Oh come on! You know as well as everyone else how much this is a prison!

Zashi: YEAH!

Nem: I tell you what! We gonna take you out.

Me: Huh?

Zawa: We can't do this!

Zashi: Yes we can.

After this they started debating over everything but I was really getting tired and before I knew it, I kinda fell asleep. The next moment I know was actually sitting in a living room but not mine and Zashi and Zawa were there with me but Nem was no where to be seen. On top of that a cat was on my lap.

Cat: Mew!

Me: Aww aren't you cute!

This cat was soo adorable as it immedietly started to roll over in my lap and make me want to spoil it with attention. It was just asking for it and soo adorable. Little did I know that there was a pomeranian coming at me as well and just jumped up on the coach to cuddle as well.

Me: Oh hey where did you come from as well?

I was too bussy to look over everything and know where I was but I felt safe knowing that Zawa and Zashi were sitting across me and watching me with a smile. Wait a minute, they were watching me!

Me: Ahm... where am I?

Zashi: In our house.

Zawa: Nezu doesn't know.

Me: ... you do know that he will have all your heads for this?

Zashi: Meh!

Zawa: Then so be it.

They both wer sipping on coffee and something about this scene was wrong besides that I always knew that Aizawa had a cat but that dog was kinda really a surprise.

Me: Pomeranian? Really and back to the topic. My dad gonna give you all hell tomorrow.

Zashi: He already is.

Me: Huh?

Zashi: Called Nem back for interogation.

Zawa: And we are probably next but you are here and Chiyo knows about it as well. So we are in the clear.

Zashi: If this makes you feel better cause your jaw can't drop any more than now I think... then Chiyo also told us to get you out of there when she came over and we told her the reason why you are sick.

Me: I am dead thanks for that.

I may or may not have overreacted here but oh well... no one can blame for that. No one liked to have RG on their bad side. But if they have her approval than it should be fine. Tho honestly Nezu against them and not knowing anything about this is dangerous. Oh well I would probably need to safe their asses later but for for now let's enjoy this fluff in my lap and the dog trying to move the cat away. 

Zashi: Hot Coca?

Zawa: Or you want hot white chocolate?

Me: Surprise me.

Zashi: Ohhh~ I like it.

Zawa: You sound better now.

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