Does he know?

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We both ended up in the limousine and damn I never knew Nezu had something like this at all. However I also never knew that he was stealthy to outstealth Aizawa and manage to get into the room without anyone noticing. I wouldn't have even noticed it if not for me looking at the window. There was a bird just moments ago and then there were some white furry paws and next thing I know he slides open the window a bit and climbes over not leaving a trace ho he managed it. Sometimes I think he is not from this world. Like come on! How are you gonna explain the tea that is just there, him climbing over something way, way bigger than him and unlocking things that were lock and to top it off just knowing everything. That was not normal not even for quirks standards.

Me: Where are we going?

Nezu: Home.

Me: But this doesn't seem to be the way to UA.

Nezu: How do you know that?

Me: Because-

Oh shit!

I nearly gave myself away...

I know this because I went out recently and I've been in this area... this is an area one has to pass when you wanna go there... that dark back alley....

But what should I tell him?

I do know the streets a bit...

New buildings where I don't remember but the streets are the same.

Me: I remember the streets from back when I was still... you know... a street rat.

Nezu: I understand and you are right. We are not going towards UA.

Me: But you did say home tho.

Nezu: Yes that is true. I recently bought a hotel and we are staying there. You might want to try the spa out there.

Me: How recently?

Nezu: A couple of hours ago. Is this important?

Me: Nope.

Alright... only you can do something like this....

Anything else you bought?

Seriously how can you even say something like this sooo casually?

Me: Why would you do that tho?

Nezu: Chiyo told me you need a change of space and I decuded to make a safe environment for you to relax and rest outside of our resident.

Me: RG did?

Nezu: Yes. It was also not hard to guess that Aizawa brought you with them. He is well known for picking up stray cats and his students up from the streets when they get arrested or drunk.

Me: Drunk? Arrested?

Nezu: From time to time we have some very special students.

Me: ....

Nezu: Anyways, it seemed you enjoyed having a pet. Do you want one?

Me: No, thanks. I don't think I could raise one well. 

Nezu: I will hire a person for that. No worries about anything.

Me: Am Dadzu... I don't want a pet.

Nezu: Oh that's fine how about an insect then? A moth or a butterfly or maybe even a caterpillar?

Me: No thank you.

Nezu: Alright but if you want one, you know you just have to say the word.

Me: Mh.

Nezu: Izu, you know that you are everything for me, right?

Me: Mh.

Nezu: Just want to let you know.

The drive was quite short since Nezu started pointing some things along the way out that he was also happy that I was with him and not out on the streets as well that I was the best thing happening to him. He was just being sweet and I started feeling bad for doing this to him especially since he was definitelly taking up advices and trying to be a better dad. I can't also blame him for my bodies conditions.

Once we got there, oh man let me tell you it was heaven. I totally forgot to inform Tsuki about everything I wanted to tell you and enjoyed this evening and the morning. I could sleep out and I was allowed to go to the heated pool and the bubble pool and then the spa area and the massages. Damn it was soo nice. It felt soo good and the food was also something else. I knew Lunch Rush had some serious skills but this person in the kitchen was something else.

All in all we spend some really good time in the presidental suit and I even ended watching movies with Nezu till I fall asleep. 

I really needed such a day and all the rest. This was really good and did wonders to my little fever as well. I already knew that my body was complicated and not logical at all such as drawback sicknesses but I was doing the best with it and Nezu was also making the best out of it.

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