Mad Love (7/06/2022)

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I dance across the ice
Avoiding eggshells as I approach
yourself who I hold so dear
Just to touch and hold you

As I tap across, I slip
The world freezing around me
Our faces meet
Our gazes pierce
But you don't move for me

You scold me and I feel bad
It's my fault I fell
I should've avoided your shells
Not slip on your ice
Crying upon impact
Others cradle me

The next day

I dance across the ice
Avoiding eggshells as I approach
yourself who I hold so dear
Just to touch and hold you

As I tap across, I slip
The world freezing around me
Our faces meet
Our gazes pierce
But you don't move for me

You scold me and I feel bad
It's my fault I fell
I should've avoided your shells
Not slip on your ice
Crying upon impact
Others cradle me

Madness engulfs me
Day after day, week after week
I slip, fall and cry
You remain seated
Until I dare to say goodbye

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