first sighting

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Y/n POV:

I wake up to the sun beaming into my room letting me know the day has now started. I roll around in bed not wanting to get out of bed until the sent of pancakes hits the tip of my nose, I tumble out of bed scraping my feet against the floorboards of the hallway, I get downstairs seeing my band mates already eating their breakfast and the is a plate of pancakes wait for me in my usual spot.

Amelia: well goodmorning finally your awake I thought you were dead.

Leo: y/n hurry we have to get to the studio soon our manager wants to see us ASAP.

Y/n: ok ok just let me eat and I will get ready jeez.

I eat my pancakes and I run back upstairs hopping into my shower and getting on oversized t-shirt and some cargos and to finish the look I put on some air forces before meeting the others in the car and setting off to the studio.

We entered the studio with the manager explaining we need at least 3 songs by 1 month and we planned everything and scheduled the times. Suddenly I get a phone call of a unknown number, I answer and I get greeted by Tim burton.

Tim: hey is this y/n y/l/n

Y/n: yes, this is she

Tim: great I need you for a role in a new TV series called Wednesday. Would you like to take the opportunity to have a role in it?

Y/n: OMG em ye sure I would love to when will you start shooting it and where?

Tim: I was thinking in like 2 months time and in Romania we already got everything set we just need our actors to be ready for the recording.

Y/n: ok that's great see ya then tim

I end the call and I get hit with loads of questions from my bandmates. I explain to them I will be in a new series called Wednesday and I won't leak them any spoilers because they can be nosey like that.


2 months have past and we have done our 3 songs for the term and in a few months we will be doing concerts around the world but I get a notification from my phone from tom saying he needs me in 2 days before shooting the first episode.

I arrive home from my walk and I check the time.


I run upstairs before putting my night wear on and jump into bed. I see another notification from tim saying people who will be casting in Wednesday. I read the info before my eyes hit on a name whose playing Wednesday. Jenna fucking Ortega. "I will be In a Series with jenna Ortega.OMG." I whisper yell at how happy I am she has been my idol since stuck in the middle and now I will be in a TV series with her omg.

That night I didn't get any sleep because of how happy I were I get from bed with wide eye but dark bags under my eyes.i getting down stairs and I get weird looks from my bandmates

Amelia: em did you sleep you have terrible bag under your eyes


James: I'm happy for you but come on I will take you to your room and your getting some rest and later Amelia will help you pack for tomorrow come on.

James leads me up stairs and he makes sure I fall asleep. I wake up at 3 in the afternoon and I hear my bandmates down stairs. I go downstairs and leo Pat's the free spot next to him on the sofa and everyone continues to what ever was playing on the tv by the time we finish its 5, me and Amelia go up stairs and she helps me pack all the things I need for my flight and for when I get there.


I'm on the private jet flying to Romania to get to the set of Wednesday and to get to my hotel room. I look out of my window and I can see the sun is already out because the time is different then the American time.

I finally arrived and I get out of the jet to the airport, as soon as I enter there are paparazzi shooting pictures at me with big flashy lights luckily my security were there and they were able to lead me to my uber and the driver drove me to the set of Wednesday.

I arrive to tim burton greeting me and I get attacked by a short hair brunette girl. It was Emma myers.


Y/n: hi emma it's good to see you and in glad you like my music.

Behind emma I see a short brunette with white earbuds looking down at her phone. She finally looks up and see you standing towering not too high over her, I introduced myself to her and she did the same we went into a lounge area and everyone talked getting to know each other percy and Georgie were also there.

I remember jenna leaving early to the hotel, she must of been tired, everyone else started to leave so did you when you get to the hotel you go to your room since tim alright registered the rooms but he said that you would have to share a room with someone so it was a surprise when I entered to jenna already getting ready for bed.

Y/n: I guess we are sharing a room together

Jenna: goo- I mean oh well I didn't know I would get put with you

Your look at her face, pink dust covered her cheek as she looks at you as you out your things on the floor.

Y/n: cant resist me huh, I'm joking anyways I'm going to get ready for bed.

You see her face getting redder as you said that and she hops on her bed and goes on her phone.

I go do my thing yk getting changed into my pjs and doing my night routine and I get into bed. Not a while later I fall asleep and so does jenna.

A/n:This took me quite some time to do but I'm glad I did it I enjoyed making this.

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