back to work

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Jenna's POV:

We get to set, I was really excited since y/n was coming back I have missed her so much, we get there and people were crowding y/n hugging her and stuff but besides percy he was in the back giving her death stares, he walks up to me grabs my arm and takes me to the girls bathroom.

Jenna: this is the girls bathroom I dont think your allowed in here.

Percy: why is thag son of a bitch back you know I dont like her.

He said to me firmly this time he pinned me to the wall.

Percy: I dont want you hanging out with her.

Jenna: I can do what the fuck I want percy, now get off me.

I said standing my ground not trying to be frightened of him, even though I kinda was he was really tall and quiet strong but probably not stronger than y/n.

Suddenly percy forced a kiss to my lips, I tried to pull away but my head kept hitting the wall. He pulled away then taking my hand and walking towards everyone. Y/n looks at us holding hand but she can tell I was uncomfortable, we had 20 minutes before we had to go on set.

Y/n: everyone go to the lounge I will be there soon, but oh jenna and percy stay will you.

She says in a posh way, everyone left besides me and percy except this time he help my hand tighter seeing as I was trying to pull my hand away.

Percy: what do you want y/n?

He says a little furiously and taking his hand off mine.

Y/n: oh I see you and jenna are together.

Percy: what are you going to do about it she is mine now.

He says firmly but then y/n throws a punch around his head before knocking him to the ground, he fell on his stomach, then y/n got on top and she pulled his arm back making him whimper in pain he eventually makes little screams as y/n told him not to be too loud so no one would hear. Eventually he gave up he saw how strong y/n was so he knew he didn't have a chance, y/n got off him and she stood by my side, she gave him the look telling him to go back to the others and to not say a word about the situation, he nodded like he was her puppy and walk off, we now had 8 mintues till we had to shoot so me and y/n made our way back and we talked for a bit before set.


e are now at lunch break and percy kept his distance away from me but he still glared at y/n, even tho he knew she were stronger he still wanted me more then anything, he would try to pull me away from the others but y/n would appear out of nowhere and he would get scared and he would speed walk away, luckily he still didn't tell anyone about the situation that happened and me and y/n haven't talked about the make out session that we had before she got back to the US. We got called back on set but this time it was only me and percy in the nurse's office and y/n watched from a distance making sure nothing happened to me.

We finally finished the scene and everything for the rest of the day so me and y/n got into our uber and made it to the uber during the ride back I get a text from percy asking when y/n would have to go back US to do more concerts and shit. I didn't reply and luckily y/n didn't see the text she was just mesmerized by the city lights, after some time she puts a hand on my thigh making a circular motion and then going more up, I arch my back in the car seat before I push her hand back down to my thigh instead of my upper thigh which was near my pussy and I got horny at that moment but I didn't make it too obvious so y/n wouldn't notice.

We made it back to the hotel room and y/n sag on the bed and stared at me and I made my way to my bed, she bit her lip as I walked to the bed, I noticed and I just grinned. She then goes further up her bed laying on her stomach and holding her head up with her hand staring at me still.

Jenna Ortega X Reader(sweet Melodies)Where stories live. Discover now