happier than ever

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jennas POV:

So me and y/n are with the others after the awkward situation but we had a good time and we talked about other stuff like life and stuff.

Me and y/n go back up to the room and we just chilled before I noticed a pen(vape) on y/ns bedside table.

Jenna: what's this y/n?

Y/n: it's a vape what else would it be.

Jenna: just asking but why do you smoke your a singer shouldn't you not do it due to the lungs.

Y/n: I mean ye but it helps with stress.

I suddenly open the draw and there were packs of cigarettes, lighters, vapes and the least I would expect protection(a/n: yk what I mean by that). I close it silently since y/n wasn't really paying attention to what I were doing. Then leo bursts through the door.

Leo: y/n I need some protection, you got some!?

Y/n: em ye I do but why do you need one, have you already ran out?

Leo: yes, I'm having a girl around.

Y/n: well I will get them but they haven't been used in a while but yk just incase.

She said as she walked over to the bedside table pulling two packets out and handing them to leo.

As soon as he leave I say.

Jenna: why do you even have protection?

Y/n: with my old ex, basically, we dated twice and the second time I was so depressed I would party find some people take them to my place and we would do yk. Only to forget my ex which it kinda worked but I haven't used them in a long time so ye only leo uses them when he runs out.

I stare at her with wide eyes, so now I know I can't screw this up plus I love y/n so so so much.

After hanging out I finally decided to go back to my house since I haven't been there for almost 24 hours. So I get my shoes on I wave goodbye to y/ns band mates and we head to y/ns car.

We arrive at my place and y/n opens the car door for me and leads me to the door, I smile at her and I kiss her on the cheek before closing my door, sometimes I miss y/n if we dont see each other in a while but I sometimes have to deal with it because of work and shit.

Y/ns POV:

I get back home after taking jenna back to her house and it was quite lonely so I decide do go to a forest I know very well, I used to go there when I were younger so I knew the forest from the back of my hand.

I arrive at the destination and I go into the forest with my pen, headphones, phone and a book. I go in deep into the woods until I reach the little river that I used to splash about in, I sit down and i put music on and i read my book, it was calm just me and my thoughts. I eventually get tired but I were too tired to go back to the car so I lay down closing my eyes feeling the soft breeze on my face. I suddenly feel someone's presence near me so I open my eyes seeing a unknown person until I took my headphones. I get up and I look at the person a little closer till I noticed it was Madison beer.

Y/n: oh, hey Madison.

Madison: hey y/n haven't spoke in a while how had it been.

I knew Madison since I were little so obviously she also knew the forest.

Y/n: surprised that you still know the forest we used to play in.

Madison: why wouldn't I remember it.

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