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Jenna's POV:

I wake up from my deep sleep, I look to my right seeing y/n still asleep. Today we had off work so I just laid in bed and I grabbed my phone checking the time 4:35am. Oh shit why did I wake up so early. I try to get to sleep and I succeed.

I wake up again seeing y/n half naked In the bathroom, I admire her body as she ties her hair up. She turns around and I flicker my eyes before look at my phone seeing the time reading 9:54, I hear a voice from the bathroom.

Y/n: dont think I didn't see you staring.

She says in a flirty tone I blush and I continue to look at my phone I hear some rustling and I see y/n in her underwear and a oversized shirt on the edge of my bed. She strokes my leg.

Jenna: what are you doing?

I say flustered at the motion she does on my leg.

Y/n: nothing do you have any plans for today?

She completely ignored my question but she continued to stroke my leg. She keeps eye contact with me. It makes red appear on my face. I look out the tall windows trying to not look at y/ns lazy eyes she gets up from my bed and she strolls to the bathroom.

Y/n: I'm going to take that as you dont have any plans for today well I'm going to make some for you. I'm going on a walk later and we can watch a movie as well if you wany?

Jenna: em sure I guess.

I didn't know what to say because when I tried to look at her her shirt was rising as she did her morning routine and brush her teeth I got distracted and I didn't notice but y/n was looking at me she didn't say anything and she continued to do her thing.


We went on our walk which was really awkward her hand kept rubbing against the back of mine and when we would go through slim places she could put her whole front against my back. We came back to the hotel luckily paparazzi didn't go crazy as they usually did. Y/n flopped onto my bed leaning against the headboard
And she put her arm behind her head before asking.

Y/n: what are we watching

I threw her the remote tell her to pick out something as I take my shoes off before sitting next to her, she pulls me closer till I'm touching her side.


The movie has finished I couldn't concentrate dew to y/n holding my thigh and rubbing her thumb in a circular motion. Kinda got me horny. But I hid my feelings as best as I could so she wouldn't notice. She has been acting very strange and touchy with me. Does she like me. I hope she does because I like her and it would be embarrassing if she didn't like me back. I see her on her phone texting some group chat called skulls and bones then I realized she was the lead singer in the band because of Emma's put burst on the first day of meeting y/n. So now i know she ain't texting some other guy or girl. She continues to text the group chat but she puts her hand on my upper thigh messaging it made my breathing deeper and I squealed. She went more up before she got a call from her manager, she left and went to the bathroom answering the call as she entered closing the door behind her. She comes out tell me she has some up coming concerts she needs to attend to on some of our off days so I may not see her. I felt kinda sad but she wasn't all the time needed since she wasn't one of the major characters like Wednesday were she need to be in every scene. Its started to get late and y/n fell asleep really quickly since we needed to be on set tomorrow. I roll around my bed and y/n notices she wakes up and without a word she gets into my bed and scoops me into her arms. This is all I ever wanted I instantly fall a sleep.

I wake up and y/n is still in my arms except she is just staring at me.

Jenna: how long have you been staring?

Y/n: since 6 am.

Its was 7:45 when I woke up. I push her slightly so she doesn't fall off the bed. I get out and I walk to the bathroom getting ready for set.


We arrived at set and percy was acting closer to me then usual and i could tell y/n being jealous and she kept giving him death stare every time he wasn't looking in her direction. I kinda liked her when she were jealous but I didn't like percy being close to me. I felt uncomfortable so I excused myself to the bathroom and I ran off. I sit on the toilet, full of stress and discomfort until I hear some enter and I hear a familiar voice. Y/n. I say from one of the stalls.

Y/n: hey are you ok? I could tell you were uncomfortable.

Jenna: not really percy keeps invading my personal space.

Y/n: come with me you will be safe.

We got back to the other but this time I sit with y/n. She slightly pulls at my waist pulling me onto her lap. Percy starts to get jealous, y/n notices and she gives him a smirk before talking to the others.

After a while of y/n and percy giving each other death stares we eventually get back to the hotel room until y/n does the most unexpected thing.

A/n: this is a little more longer but ye anyways next chapter with be out tomorrow.

Jenna Ortega X Reader(sweet Melodies)Where stories live. Discover now