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Y/n POV:

Smut warning ⚠️

I followed Jenna, my drunkenness took over me and I wasn't thinking straight.

Y/n: hey but no taking advantage since I'm drunk as shit.

Jenna smirked and said alright, we went into the small restroom, I leaned against the counter.

Jenna: I wanted to apologise for everything, I've been a jerk and I miss what we had, if I could go back in time I would, you deserve so much idk why I cheated I'm sorry I want to start over.

Y/n: what do you mean by start over, if you mean by dating then no thank you I'm good, if you mean as friends then fine because i will have to see you on set anyway and at my concert which you keep attending to.

Jenna smiled and said to just be friend and we shook hands as we went back to the party, I drank some more and got drunk, so did Jenna.

I was wasted, I danced on the dance floor as I saw Jenna in the distance staring, I walked up to her and I took her by the hand and lead her to the dance floor as I continued to dance.

Y/n: come on loosen up a bit

I got behind Jenna and grabbed her waist forcing her to dance, then it started to get heated, she started to dance against me making me get more turned on, she was gorgeous and I couldn't resist, I let her do her thing as I continued to dance, then my hands started to move more around her body, I lost control over everything, I heard her moan slightly as my hand trailed up and down her body, my face got close to her neck, I wanted to kiss her skin so badly, she turned her face towards me and smirked and nodded, I immediately pecked her neck, she turned her head to the side giving me more room to kiss her neck, my hands gripped her waist as I kissed her neck more roughly, that's when I whispered in her ear

Y/n: let's go somewhere more private

Jenna nodded as I grabbed her hand and lead her through the crowd to the exit and I got the first taxi that went by, I told them my address to the hotel.

We later arrived to my hotel and lead her to my hotel room, as soon as I closed my door I kissed her lips, god I missed the taste of them and how they were so soft, I kissed her more hungrily and aggressively as I held her thigh and brought it up as I pinned her to the wall, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist as we continued to kiss passionately. Next thing you know we are in the bedroom.

I pushed her on the bed and I crawled on top of her as I continued to kiss her, I started to unbutton her shirt, my lips still connected on hers as I finally unbuttoned her shirt with my hands roaming around her body. I started to kiss down her jawline and to her neck earning soft moans that escaped from her mouth, I left some dark marks on her neck that got darker by the minute, I kissed down her body and I earned more moans when I reached her lower stomach area, her hand gripped my hair as I unbuttoned her pants and slid them off, I grabbed her thigh and I put it over my shoulder, I kissed her thigh up to her hot centre.

I continued to tease her by pressing kissed on her wet panties before I took them off swiftly, and I kissed her folds earning more hot moans from her.

Jenna: stop teasing, I need you.

She moaned out as I sucked on her clit, she moaned even more loudly as I looked up at her, her head flicked back with her eyes rolling back, her fingers were tangling in my hair as I sucker harder on her clit, I then licked her folds before going back up to her lips and kissing then letting her taste herself on my lips, then a finger trails down her body, her back arched at my touch till my finger reached her soft folds, and I pushed 2 fingers inside her, my fingers began to pump in her, moans escaping her lips as I cover her mouth with my hand, her moans hit my hand as my fingers increased in speed, soon enough she orgasmed(Dk if that's a word but oh well) I let her ride out of her high and I kiss her lips once more before falling next to her on the bed, she cuddled against me, she was tired and I could tell, eventually she fell asleep and so did I.

The next morning I woke up, my head hurting like satan just sat down on my head and I was badly hungover, I sat up and I noticed clothes which weren't mine I looked next to me to see... Jenna?!

Y/n: what the fuck

I muttered quietly then I noticed she was fully naked, wait does that mean we...

A/n: this is gonna be the last smut because I don't even know but it feels wrong so sorry but ye I will make the 15th chapter the last chapter and I will do a face reveal after that so yay ig, thanks for your support and patience, luv ya❤️

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