"Back home"

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Y/n's POV-
You were sleeping when you heard the alarm go off, you tried turning it off but it didn't turn off so you just got up looking at the time that read 6:30.
You get out of bed tripping over everything trying to get your bags ready and after you got everything you hopped in the shower. After that you dried you hair and put it in a messy bun and put on something comfy. You order some coffee and some breakfast before you left, you called a cab to pick you up. You left the house and went to the airport
~At the airport~
You arrive at the airport a little late but you were able to get to first class and relax. The flight from New York to MX was about a day or less. Hours pass and you had landed,  so you grab your bags and your luggages and you had texted your Mom and Dad to see if they can pick you up.
~In MX~
You were there waiting for your parents and see a group of paparazzis and outta nowhere you see lights flashing at you
You: ugh paparazzi
You avoided them and did successfully when you heared someone yelled.
Parents: Mija!!
You looked around for a while trying to see who was that. You the spotted your parents
You: Mom Dad!
You run up to them and hug them both you were tearing up cause its been years since you've seen your parents
Mom: ay Mira a mi hija, ya es tan grande
She grabbed your chin and gave you a kiss on your forehead, and she was on an urge of crying too.
Kevin: hermana?
You: Hermono?
You saw him in a distance so you run up to him hugging him
Kevin: hermana! I haven't seen you in years
After you guys were done hugging your dad grabbed you bags and put it in the back of the trunk.
~At the house~
You guys had arrived at the house and pulled into the driveway where you guys met the gateway. Your dad pushed a button and a man spoke.
Guard:Yes, how can i help you?
Dad: its me Javier let us in
Guard: right away sir
He opens the gate and your dad drives in and you guys get out
You: wow the house has changed like A LOT you guys actually upgraded it I thought you guys were joking around
Dad:No we were being-
He gets cutoff by Kevin
Kevin: deadass
You guys look over at him
Kevin: what?
You guys just stared and entered the house
You: Wow it looks really big in the inside, wait is my room still the same
Mom: I don't know go check
She grinned so you when upstairs and you see lots of rooms and the hallway was pretty long you had so many questions but you didn't really pay attention so you enter your room which was the last door in the hallway to find out it changed a lot since you left
You: Woah my room looks different, I guess my parents remodeled it
You set your bags down and went downstairs. Dad: mija we're gonna go to Kevin's soccer practice wanna come?
Dad:alright we leave in like 2-3 hours cause its still early
You:ok in that time ima take a quick nap
You go to your room with no hesitation and you flop on the bed
~3 hours later~
Kevin: y/n
He banged on your door
He kept banging on your door
You: huhh?
Mom: mija ya despierta te vamos a llegar tarde
You: ok ok im up

A/n: AHH i hope you guys are liking this story so farrr. This story felt kinda short for some reason🤨🤨.Ima try and post 2 stories in one day if i can ok i gotta go bye luvss🤭❤️

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