"Diego's girlfriend"

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You wake up to your alarm going off. You turn it off, going to the restroom, and brush your teeth and your hair. You were on your way downstairs when you bump into Diego. He noticed that he had bumped into you.
Diego: Bienos dias chula
He grabbed you by your waist
You: Suelta me
Diego: Y si no? Que me vas hacer?
You: Te voy a partir tu madre.
Diego: Y si mejor nos vamos para mi cuarto y me haces algo más?
He smirked and you hit his arm.
You: You haven't changed, have you?
Diego: So what do you say? Al menos un besito.
He did a pucker face jokingly and you pushed his face to the other side.
You: Parale.
He laughed.
Then you heard the back door close and Diego scooted away.
Kevin: Oh hey Y/n
He looks over and notice that Diego was standing next to you. He furrowed his eyebrows.
Kevin: Hey Diego....
He looks at both of you as he walked away. You rolled your eyes and went downstairs with Diego following behind you.
You: Why are you following me?
Diego: I can't go downstairs?
You: Yea but can you walk like, walk away from me?
Diego: Why? If both of us are going downstairs
You rolled your eyes and you kept walking downstairs.
Mom: Buenos dias Y/n y Diego
She look confused to see you and Diego walk in the kitchen together.
You: Good Morning mami
Diego: Buenos dias señora
Mom: Tienes hambre?
You: I will serve myself right now
Mom: Ok princessa, voy a mi cuarto
You smiled as she walked by. You turn to Diego.
You: You see Kevin and my mom are suspecting something between us, because you keep following me, and being next to me!
Diego: Fine! I will walk away from you
You: Thank you
Diego: After I finish eating
He smiled, and you rolled your eyes. You guys served your food and ate it. After you both finished eating Diego went to his room. You stayed downstairs and hang out with Kevin watching movies. You were watching tv when you heard the doorbell ring. You get up and open the door to see a girl with blonde hair standing there on her phone and chewing her gum so fucking loud.
You: Can I help you?
She looked at you.
Blondie: Omg! You must be Y/n I'm such a huge fan!
She hugged you and you didn't know how to react to a random girl hugging you so you froze.
You: Umm who are you?
Blondie: Oh I'm sorry, I'm Blanca
She held her hand out and you just look at her.
You: Hi Blanca? Um what are doing here? Are you waiting for someone orr?
Blanca: Well I'm Diegos girlfriend
You: Diego's girlfriend?
Blanca: Yea, wait why are you here?
You: I live here..
Blanca: Oh yea duhh
Blanca: Can I come in and i'll wait for Diego?
You: Uh sur-
She walked in like nothing
You: Ok?
Blanca: Diego amor I'm here!
You close the door.
You: Oh um, can you lower your voice?
Blanca: Oh I'm sorry. Diegooo I'm here!!
Kevin: Diegos in his room you can just go up there.
She kept yelling his name until Diego finally came downstairs.
Diego: Hola Blanca
Blanca: Hola mi amor
They kiss as you stared at them in disgust.
Blanca: Diego, why didn't you tell me THE famous Y/n live here?
He looked at you.
Diego: Didn't think I had to.
You guys locked eye contact until Diego broke it.
Diego: Lets go we don't wanna be late.
Blanca: Ok, well it was nice meeting you Y/n
You: Mhm you too
They left leaving you with so many questions "Diego has a girlfriend? Yet he flirts with me"
You: Was that actually Diego's girlfriend?
Kevin: Yep, she's a bitch though and fucking annoying.
You: Right
You shook your head and went upstairs to your room. You were just chilling in your room. You got bored so you decide to get in the pool again. You look for a 2 piece and a coverup, lucky you found a nice white 2 piece. You put it on along with the coverup and went downstairs.
You: Kevin, wanna get in the pool?
Kevin: Sure let me go put on water shorts, I'll meet you outside
You: Ok, I'll see you outside then
You go outside and sit down on a chair as you wait for Kevin. Memo came outside seeing you sitting down alone.
Memo: Hola Y/n
You look over to see it was Memo.
You: Hey Memo
Memo: Qué estás haciendo solo afuera?
You: Voy a meterme in the pool con Kevin
Memo: Can I join you guys? No tengo nada mejor que hacer
You: Yeah, of course Memo
Memo: Ok, voy a cambiarme
You: Ok memo
As soon as he left Kevin was already outside, you get up and both of you stand by the edge of the pool.
Kevin: You think the pool is cold?
You: I don't know, why don't you feel it?
Kevin: Alright
He was about to put his foot in the pool when you pushed him in. He quickly swam back up but since you were laughing you didn't realize he was coming back up. He grabbed your arm pulling you in. You swim back up and splash Kevin.
Kevin: It isn't that funny when it happens to you
You get out the pool.
Kevin: Que? Ya te enojastes?
You look at him and jumped in the pool, you guys were in the pool when Memo came outside and got in the pool with you guys. You three were minding your business when the whole team came out
The team: Can we join?
Memo: Si mi compas
They all jump in. You all played games like chicken fight, volleyball, racing, basketball, etc. Everyone left but you. You stayed in the pool for a little while but then you got out. You didn't wanna go to your room because you were gonna get bored so you stayed outside on your phone for a while. You put on your coverup and went to the field to play soccer. You put your phone down so you can play soccer.

Your bikini+coverup

A/n: Hey my loves, how are you guys loving this story so far?❤️Late post I KNOWW🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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A/n: Hey my loves, how are you guys loving this story so far?❤️Late post I KNOWW🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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