"Night swim"

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After a while of waiting for Kevin to get out of the locker room. You guys went back home.
-At home-
You guys arrived back to the house and get off. You guys go inside the house and you went straight to your room. You were bored and hungry, you put on shorts and a oversized shirt. You go downstairs and saw your parents in the living room watching Tv.
You: Ama que vamos a comer?
Mom: No se
You: If you guys want I could order food for everyone
Dad: You sure?
You: Uh yeahh
Dad: Ok if thats fine with you
Your dad called the team down to see what they wanted to eat.
You: You know what would be good right now?
Dad: Que?
You: Some bomb ass tacos
Dad: That sounds good
Everyone agreed and you call a nearest Taco place to set an order. You went to the game room while you waited. You were hanging out with Edson and Memo while they were playing pool. You watch as they play when you got a text that the food was ready to pick up.
You: Ok ya me voy I have to go pick up the food
Edson/Memo: We could come and help
You: Alright
You guys exit the game room.
You: Apa ya nos vamos
Dad: Ok mija be safe
You guys leave the living room and went into your car, you put the address to the Taco spot. You drove and picked up the food and drove back home. By the time you guys got back it was already 7:00 pm.
You: Were backkk
Everyone got up when they saw you Edson and Memo with bags of food.
Everyone: Finaly we're hungry
Everybody got what they had order and you grabbed you burrito that you got with your horchata. You went to sit next to Kevin on the island.
You: Hey Kev
Kevin: Hola Y/n
You sat there eating your food listening to the chisme between Kevin and Diego something between a girl, but you didn't really pay attention to it. You finished eating and you head back upstairs to your room. You were taking of your makeup when you get a face time video from Joao.
Joao: Hola Amor
You: Hey
Joao: What are you doing?
You: Taking off my makeup, and you?
Joao: I just landed and right now I'm driving to my apartment
You: Thats great
Joao: You got any plans tomorrow?
You: Not that I know of, I would have to check in with my manager. Why?
Joao: I was thinking of taking you out to dinner, thats IF you don't have plans
You: I'll check with my manager and I will let you know
Joao: Ok
You: Also for my Birthday we're going to Las Vegas, are you gonna be able to go?
Joao: Yea, I asked for 4 days right?
You: Mhm 4 days
You guys talk for about an hour when he had to leave so you hanged up. You were in your room bored, you look at the time which read 8:30 pm. It was hot so you thought of going in the pool at night to be more fresh. You look through your cajón to see if you can find a cute 2 piece swimsuits thankfully you found a black 2 piece. You put your hair in a messy bun, you grabbed your phone and towel going downstairs. You open the sliding doors heading outside to the pool. You didn't like the silence so you put on music. You didn't want to get your hair wet so you grabbed a donut floaty and laid on it. You were there just relaxing minding your business when your eye lids start to get heavy thats when you decide to get out and lay on a chair. You laid there admiring the night sky when you knocked out.
Kevin glance outside the window seeing a figure laying on a chair.
Kevin: Quién está fuera?
Diego: No se
Kevin and Diego look outside the window to see you laying there. They both look at each other and smirk.
Kevin: Thinking what I'm thinking
He smirks.
Diego: Yep
Kevin: We should throw her in the pool
Diego: Alright lets go
They head outside were you were at. Both of them grabbed the chair on each side.
Kevin: On the count of 3
Diego: 1..2..
Kevin: 3!
Both of them throw you in the pool. You got startled when you felt the cold water touch you. You panicked and your try to swim back up because you kept swallowing water. Kevin saw that you couldn't get back up.
He took off his shirt and jump in, he grabbed you and brought you back up. He took you out the pool and you had passed out cause you kept swallowing the water.
Kevin: SHIT
He started giving you CPR when you started coughing out all the water you had swallowed. You sat up and were still struggling to breathe, so Kevin pat your back.
Kevin: Y/n you good?
Both of them stayed quit.
Diego: Um we came outside and we say you drowning
Kevin: Yea so I had to jump in and save you
You get up.
You: Mhm
You sarcastically said.
As you were there shivering Diego had his eyes on you. Admiring every curve as water dripped going down your body. You had felt eyes on you when you turned over to see Diego staring at you.
You: Diego
He look up.
Diego: Mh
You: My eyes are up here
His face turning red going were Kevin was standing at the edge of the pool. This was your chance of revenge, so you had a plan to push both of them in. You push them and they fall in the pool and they swam back up.
You: Its called revenge
You smiled and laugh. They quickly get out the water walking towards you and they pick you up.
Kevin: Ok
He smirked and they both dropped you in the pool and they jumped in. You guys were playing around, splashing each other and jumping in the pool. You were doing challenges with Kevin and Diego, when they gave up cause you kept winning and they kept losing.
You: What happened? Estás enfadado porque sigo ganando
You laugh at them as they picked you up and threw you in the deep end.
Playing with them made you feel like you're reliving your childhood. Although you hated Diego with all your guts.
You guys stayed in the pool for like an hour and a half when you all decided to get out. You gave both of them a towel, you guys were outside shivering waiting to dry. You guys dried up and went back inside. You go to your room close the door and hop in the shower. You brush your teeth and do your skin care. You put on fresh clothes and you stayed on your phone for a little until you fell asleep.

A/n: I feel like this chapter was a little short tbh. Anyways, can you guys please give me suggestions cause i keep struggling on what to put on my chapters!😭 Ok bye my loves🫶

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