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You were sleeping and you heard a knock, you didn't answer. You heard the door open and footsteps walking towards you but you didn't wake up.
Kevin: Wake up, your coming with me
You felt Kevin take off your blankets and pull you off the bed
You: Where are we goingg, it's cold
Kevin: Girl, it's like 87 degrees and your cold?
You: Yes, now leave me alone
You try to lay back down and try to go to sleep
Kevin: I'm taking you to my practice cause I take you everywhere with me when you used to live here now ima be able to do it again, so no you have to get up
He grabbed a mini pillow and smacked you with it. You groan
You: OWW! What was that for? I was already up
You hit his arm playfully
Kevin: Mhmm
You got up
You: Fine how much time do we have till we leave?
Kevin: Like in 2 hours
You: No manches really? You woke me up 2 hours early just to tell me its later
Kevin: I woke you up early so you have time to get ready because you take forever to get ready for who knows who.
You: Don't worry about it chismoso, now ya salga de mi cuarto
You push him out your room. You lock the door. You hop in the shower, after a while you got out and look through your closet to see what clothes you could wear. You found a nice but comfortable outfit. You lay back down on your bed scrolling through TikTok when your stomach started growling. You walk downstairs to see no one was home,it was weird
You: Kevin, donde esta Mom and Dad
Kevin come walking downstairs
Kevin: Um I thought they were here
You: Didn't you come downstairs?
Kevin: No I actually woke up like the same time you woke up
You: Oh I guess I'll make food. You want some?
Kevin: Sure
Kevin sat down on the couch watching his phone. You were in the kitchen cooking some breakfast burritos when you hear footsteps coming downstairs.
Diego: Hello? Is anyone home?
He saw that you and Kevin were staring at him
Diego: Wheres everyone?
You: I don't know we just woke up to the house empty
Diego: Oh
He walked up to you
Diego: Whatcha cooking
You: Breakfast burritos, quieres?
Diego: Sure
He come close to your ear and whispered
Diego: I love to try your cooking mi chula
He smirked and went to sit with Kevin. "What the fuck is he on, all of a sudden he flirts with me?" You thought
You: Breakfast is ready
They got up from the couch and sat on the island while you gave them their plate. You sat next to Kevin. You went on your phone and went through your socials while eating. Everyone finished eat.
Kevin: Thanks y/n your cooking is good.
Diego: Yea and hopefully you can make food this good for your little boyfriend
He had a smirk plastered on his stupid face.
See what I mean, he's such a chismoso.
Kevin: Ooo y/n tienes novio, cuéntame el chisme
You: Um well he's not my boyfriend more like a friend, but you know
Kevin: No I don't know
You: He may or may not wanna get together with me
Kevin:Ooo whats his name?
You: Do I have to tell you all the chisme?
Kevin: YES
You hesitated at first but gave in
You: His name is J-
You got cutoff thankfully by your parents walking in the house
Parents: Buenos dias ninos
All 3: Buenos dias
Dad: You guys ate already?
Kevin: Yea
Diego: Y/n made us food
Dad: Oh ok, Diego y Kevin ya estas listo para mas tarde?
Kevin/Diego: Yea
Dad: Mija vas a venir con nosotros?
You: Sure, I have nothing else to do
Dad: Ok pues get ready por que ahorita ya no vamos
You: Ok apa
You go upstairs to your room and you straighten your hair. As you start doing your makeup Kevin and Diego walked in.
You: Quien?
You looked towards the door and saw Kevin and Diego waving at you.
You gave them the "be fucking for real" face. You went back to doing your makeup
You: What do you guys want.
You groaned
Kevin: You didn't get to finish what you were saying, so go continue Im all ears.
You: Ugh I don't want to
Diego: What happened scared something's gonna happen?
You: NO
You raised you voice and they both gave you furrowed brows.
You: Fine, his name is...
Kevin: Mhm
You: His name is Joao...
His jaw dropped and then the room went silent for a while.
Kevin: QUE!?!? JOAO!?
You: Noo Otro pendejo YES JOAO.
You stared at him waiting for him to saw something.
You: Kevin? You look like you saw a ghost.
Kevin: I don't want you speaking with Joao
He started raising his voice. You never heard him raise his voice at you so you started getting emotional.
Kevin: Y/n I didn't mea-
He gets cutoff by you running into the restroom and slamming the door. You locked the door to make sure no comes in. Tears started to form.
Kevin: Look y/n I didn't mean to raise my voice at you, I'm just looking out for you
You: I should've never told you guys anything. ESPECIALLY YOU DIEGO YOUR SUCH A CHISMOSO
You dropped to the ground trying to hold your tears back.
Kevin: You see what you did it's all your fault Diego
He left your room
He stormed off out of your room
You look outside the restroom to see if they we're still there but they had left. You finished doing your makeup.
~30 minutes later~
You hear your dad say that they we're already leaving. You grab your purse and head downstairs.
Dad: Ya vamonos
You nodded your head and got in the car. Your dad drove to the Soccer stadium they are gonna be practicing in. All of you get out. You feel a tap on your shoulder but you didn't turn around, you just kept walking
Kevin: Y/n listen to me I'm sorry i didn't mean to yell I just don't want you to get hurt by him
You turned to him
You: Hurt? Joao isn't but a sweet, nice guy. And he actually like me for ME, not for my body or my fame. AND I actually like him, I know he's the one for me but you can't see that
Kevin: Y/n I want you to be in a good relationship without getting hurt
You: How will he hurt me? Go ahead tell me
You crossed your arms.

A/n: Ah I feel like I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. So sorry I haven't been posting I was busy. Also go follow my tiktok- d1eg0_love.
(The "o" in d1ego is a zero) Ok bye my loves❤️

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