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You guys were on your way to the interview.
Your dad had dropped you off at the back of the building by the entrance.
Dad: we'll see you in a little mija
You: Ok apa
You walk into the building
Security: Hi, you must be Mrs. Alvarez?
You: Yes, here to see Ellen
Security: Right this way ma'am
You followed the security guard to Ellen's room
~Ellens dressing room~
Ellen: Hola! You must be Y/n Alvarez?
You: Yep, thats me
You shook her hand
Ellen: How are you doing?
You: Im doing fine, how about you?
Ellen: Same, with the shows here and there you know
You: Yea
You guy's laugh
Mic: Ellen we are ready when you are
Ellen: Well thats my queue. Nos vemos en un rato
You: Ok
She left leaving you stand behind the stage were she got called up. She greeted the audience, and as she settled in she called you.
~On stage~
Ellen: Today we have a special guest joining us everyone meet Y/N!!
You can here the audience applauding as you walked on stage. You waved as you gave a hug to Ellen. You sit down blowing a kiss to your fans
Ellen: As you all know y/n is a actor, y/n why don't you give us a favorite movie line?
You: Ok. "Live for your self, not for other's"
Everyone was applauding. After a while of talking she started asking you questions.
Ellen: Y/n yo estaba mirando en la audiencia y me di cuenta de que tus padres estaban allí
You: Oh yea my parents came to support me
You waved at them and they waved back
Ellen: So y/n what brings you back to Mexico?
You: I came all the way to Mexico to be with my family and well I don't wanna spoil anything pero estábamos filmando una película aquí
Ellen: Pues cuéntame el chisme
Everyone laugh
You: I can't say much, pero... va a ser una película de horror
Ellen: Ooo y con y/n la película va a ser muy bien
She laugh. She looked towards the audience and smirked
Ellen: Y/n
You: mhm
Ellen: Now I'm sure everyone wants to know this. But is there anyone that catches your eye?
You: Not at the moment no
She looked back to the crowd and back at you
Ellen: Perhaps anyone in your dads soccer team like Diego lainez?
She pointed into the crowd and everyone was clapping. You gave her a confused look, looking into the crowd. To see the one and only Diego Lainez sitting next to Kevin, you clenched your jaw. He waved at you while smirking and you rolled your eyes.
Ellen: So y/n we are waiting for your response does Diego Lainez catch your eyes? Would you give him a chance?
You chuckled
You: No, not at all
Ellen: How about we have Diego come on the stage
He got up and started walking towards you
Ellen: Hola chaparo
Diego: Hola Ellen
She got up and hugged him. He healed his hand out to shake your hand but you just look at him with a disgust look. He sat next to you so you scoot away from him.
Ellen: So Diego what do you think does y/n catch your eye?
He look at you
Diego: No, actors aren't my type
You looked at him and gave him a fake smile
Ellen: Así que me estáis diciendo que nunca pensasteis estar juntos?
Both: No
You: Never
You laugh. Diego faked laugh.
Ellen: How about jugamos  un juego?
You: Ok
Ellen: We're gonna play never have I ever. Ok I'll start with giving you two never have I ever cards
She handed you both your own and on one side it said I have and the other I never.
Ellen: First question, Never have I ever went to a party.
You both had yours to I have. She started with easy simple questions until she started asking personal questions.
Ellen: Never have I ever..... had sex with a famous person
You and Diego had your eyes wide open. You didn't want to tell the truth about how you and Diego used to date but also didn't wanna lie, the option here is to put "I have not." As you pull your card I have not Diego did the same. He had the same answer
Ellen: Mmm interesting
She smirked. She continued with very uncomfortable and personal questions.
You: Umm Ellen i think our time is up its 5:00
Ellen: Ohh i lost track of time
She laugh. You nodded your head yes with a fake smile. She got up so did you and hug her.
Ellen: It was so nice for you to come y/n
You: Well thank you for inviting me
Diego got up and gave Ellen a hug
Ellen: Why don't you guys hug and say your goodbyes
God this woman didn't stop torturing you using Diego as an excuse to hug him or even talk to him. You faked smiled and gave him a side hug
Ellen: Thats more better
She started saying buy to the audience as you and Diego made your way to the back of the stage. You stopped to look at him.
You: Qué haces aquí?
You said in harsh voice
Diego: I was dragged here, and I didn't know you were the one in the interview
You: Well no shit
Diego: Kevin brought me here and didn't mention YOU were gonna be here
You: Well why would he drag you to some random ass interview the only interview he would drag you to would be his, my dads, or mines
Diego: Jeez no need to have a bitchy attitude
You: Shut the fuck up
You grab a coffee they had brought you and headed out the exit with Diego following behind. You were outside waiting for your parents to pick you up. Diego was standing next to you como un pendejo. You look at him up and down.
You: Te ves pendejo no mas parado ahí
He rolled his eyes. The silence was very loud both of you we're waiting to get picked up so you wanted to start small talk cause the silence was killing you.
You: Soo... how's Natalie?
He looked at you
Diego: She's good I guess
You: Haven't seen her in a while is she still an actor?
(So idk if I mention this but Natalie is also a actor and you guys have been in movies together)
Diego: How about you ask her your self
You both look up
You outfit/makeup/hair

 how's Natalie?He looked at youDiego: She's good I guessYou: Haven't seen her in a while is she still an actor?(So idk if I mention this but Natalie is also a actor and you guys have been in movies together)Diego: How about you ask her your selfYo...

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A/n: Lets go mexico won yesterday. And sorry for the late post im usally posting at night for sum reason. Ok goodnight loves😘🫶

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