A/N Again

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Hello again. Okay, so I've been thinking about how to do this sequel. To be honest, there is not a single part of me that wants to go through all of the events of Twilight with these characters. 

I really do want to write a Twilight fic, but the magic is kind of taken out of it with these characters now for me because there is no love interest to work towards, I guess? I don't know, I just really love writing slow burn romance, and now there will be none of that.

So, I have a couple options and I want to know your opinions. Should I do:

1. Short sequel that highlights main events in Twilight. Starts from the beginning, but lots of major time skips.

2. Rewrite the epilogue closing conversation to set it up to begin in Eclipse, where Aro sends them to monitor Victoria's army rather than them going to school and watching the Cullens. Still will have time skips, but far less drastic since we'd start on the third book/movie.

Number two is what my original plan was, so I'm more leaning toward that.

Either way, I'm trying to keep it short and sweet. I have absolutely adored writing Kat and Sandor's story, but I need new characters to love soon. 

I'll start a new Twilight fic most likely when this is all wrapped up, so I wanna wrap it up ASAP!

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