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"Oi Izuku. Izuku. ICCHAN! Did you get your quirk yet?" Nagged Bakugo crawling into the little green tube on the playground finding himself alongside his favorite fellow 3rd grader, Izuku Midoriya

"No not yet Kacchan" said Izuku with a huff "if I don't get one how are we gonna be the greatest heroes ever?"

"Cool it Izuku, you're gonna get a quirk and it's gonna be even COOLER than mine" said Bakugo patting him on the back "but if you don't get one I'll protect you. My mom keeps whispering to my dad at night about how hate crime against quirkless is alarmingly high and how it might be dangerous if you ended up quirkless. It's like she thinks she's being quiet! But I hear all of it from my room"

Izuku turned his face away from Bakugo, hiding it. "K-Kacchan I think it's time we came to terms with it, it's almost half a decade after when I should've developed my quirk, and even the latest of bloomers got theirs by the time they were 7 *Sniffle* I think you should stop talking to me, I see the looks the other kids give you when you hang out with me"

It pained Bakugo to see his day one OG homeboy hurting, but what could he do... he could tell Izuku just wanted to be alone so he left the tube. Walking home he pulled out his phone, his mom got it for him so he could call her in case of emergency but he never used it.

"Can quirkless people be heroes... yeah here" he muttered to himself reading what he typed into the search engine, clicking the first result. And so he began to read, searching every site on the internet, researching, studying, searching for information as to how he and his friend could still share their dream and make it reality.

<Timeskip brought to you by how cool it would've been if Izuku and Bakugo actually were friends throughout their childhood>

Izuku was having a rough night. He was stuck in the green pipe courtesy of one of the bullies at the playground sealing him inside of it. He knew he'd be stuck there until the public park cleaner arrived and could get him out.

This wasn't the first time this had happened, but he would never get used to it, and to make matters worse it had begun to rain rather hard and the water had seeped into the tube far too fast. Now as the water flowed out of the holes on the sides of the tube Izuku was stuck waist deep in icy cold water in shorts for at least another 3 hours, assuming he was counting the minutes right and it was actually 1AM. His stagnation in location lead to him, as always, returning to the thoughts roaming around his head.

Here he was alone, quirkless, with a friend who would be dragged down by him, and a mother who would rather down bottles of whiskey than go find her 8 year old who was missing at 1 AM, maybe he sh-

"OH MY GOODNESS IS THERE SOMEONE IN THERE?" Screamed a female voice from outside the tube, interrupting Midoriya's descent into depression.

"Oh, OH PLEASE! IM STUCK! CAN YOU HELP ME? Please? Don't leave me here" Izuku begged, wishing for any way out of this situation, but he didn't hear any response, most likely from how loud the water was, splashing around the tube.

He began to frantically bang against the outside, his body racked with sobs as he screamed for help desperately, tears and rainwater pouring down his face.

Eventually he stopped with his hands as they were bleeding from how hard he had been hitting the side. Instead he slammed his head and entire body against the side, wailing in desperation. "PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME"

"-ight ovER HERE" Izuku's head perked up as he heard a voice approaching. "BREAK IT OPEN SOMEONE IS STUCK INSIDE!"

"Are you s-" started to ask a male voice before getting cut off immediately


"You got it, just making sure. Alright kiddo I'm gonna need you to stay calm and move to either end of the pipe" the Male voice reassured. Izuku scrambled to the left end of the pipe and waited, and in a few seconds of ensuing he was out of the way the side of the pipe was blown open.

He could briefly see a hero he vaguely recognized but before he could pinpoint it a hero he very much recognized popped into the tube.

Ragdoll of the Wild Wild Pusscats

"Are you okay? Come here" she asked leaning into the pipe not caring that she was getting soaked. As Izuku came closer she pulled him into an embrace as she saw the tears and panic on his face

"Shhhh, shhhhh, it's ok" she said rubbing his back as he cried into the crook of her neck "you're safe with me, I won't let anything happen to you"


Midoriya lore! But yeah Bakugo is Midoriya's dedicated friend in this. Hope your day is going great.

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