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Izuku and Bakugo walked into 1-A noticing they were the first one there, well apart from a sleeping bag in the corner which the duo chose to ignore, sitting down at desks at the back of the room next to each other.

Bakugo fell asleep at the desk and Izuku took out his Quirk Journal, opting to finish his entry on the boy who had helped him after he took out the Zero Pointer.

Izuku cheerfully hummed to himself, unknowingly being watched by the man in the sleeping bag.

Aizawa, from the safety of his home away from home, observed the boy. 'Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo' he thought to himself recalling both their names. He made a mental note to not expel those two as they weren't blowing his ears out the second they walked into the classroom.

The same could not be said for the rest of his students. He groaned from inside his sleeping bag as he saw a pink girl enter the room. He recognized her, she spent the whole orientation speech for the Entrance Exam gossiping with people.

And what did she do the second she walked in the room? Gossip.

As the students started showing up the room grew louder and louder, this was NOT okay.

"If you came here to socialize then leave" said Aizawa, freaking out all the students who were mingling and whatnot. They all rushed to seats and shut their mouths.

Izuku looked around the room and smiled, the surreality of the situation hitting him as he finally processed that he was in the hero course. What could go wrong?

<Timeskip brought to you by me having a bad headache rn>

Everything was going wrong.

The villains had shown up at the USJ. The students had been separated, Aizawa was fighting an uphill battle against a big beaked monster, 13's corpse was sprawled in front of the students that were still at the main entrance, and All Might was nowhere to be found.

"AGH DAMMIT" shouted Izuku as another needle hit him in the back. The villain he was facing was a threat, a real threat. He was able to camouflage perfectly into the Blizzard zone and his needle shooting quirk didn't help the situation much.

Izuku kept his head on a swivel as he defended Momo's unconscious body. Needles flew at her neck from his 3 o' clock and, not having enough time to move her out of the way, he once again had to body block them.

He cried out in pain as one hit him in the side of the neck, and another 2 into his cheek, piercing his tongue as well. He lunged in the direction that the needles came from hoping to blitz the villain but the villain had already repositioned, a true pussy this one was.

He hoisted Momo onto his back so he could have added mobility do to not having to worry about the villain going for her instead of him.

He kept his eyes sharp and dodged the needles with ease now that he didn't have to defend Momo, he observed the pattern that the villain relocated in and timing it as perfectly as he possibly could kicked up a huge amount of snow in the direction he had predicted the villain would end up.

And he was right.

He lunged forward as he saw the Villain's impact into the snow after falling over, and giving him a clean punch straight in the nose.

The villain flew backwards, but before he even slowed down Izuku was ahead of him, spinning into a crescent kick which inevitably broke the villains jaw, knocking him out.

Izuku spat the blood in his mouth out on the villain's face and headed toward the plaza, a trail of unconscious villains left in his wake as he defended Momo from any villain unlucky enough to cross him.

He took a shortcut through the ruined city area, running into Tokoyami. He helped the birdbrain defeat his assailant and the two, along with an unconscious Momo made their way to the other side of the zone.

<Timeskip brought to you by Me. Just me>

They walked out to see a tuckered out All Might, as well as the UA staff, it seemed like Iida had made it. He watched in a sad state as Midnight cried over the corpses of both 13 and Eraserhead. His fists tightened until his knuckles turned white.

He had let them die, maybe things would've been different if he just beat the needle villain faster. But he was slow. And when he finally made it back to the plaza, his homeroom teacher and rescue instructor were dead.

He let a single tear run down his face, Tokoyami beside him hanging his head in sorrow. The students made their way into the center of the plaza, Midnight running over and holding them tight as he put Momo down.

"We thought you three didn't make it out" she sobbed "I was so worried about you guys"

Midoriya looked at her, he could see the anguish of losing someone so close to her in her eyes.

'I won't let this happen again. I have to keep training. Getting stronger so I can protect these people' Izuku thought. "I'm so sorry Midnight, this must be so devastating" he said, returning her embrace "even if you're a hero it doesn't change how much things like this can hurt. You shouldn't have to go through that. And I swear on my life, no matter what it takes I will avenge my teachers"


Yes Aizawa is dead. This isn't like a bait and switch or anything. He was killed by the Nomu since Izuku wasn't there to attack Shigaraki with OFA and force the Nomu to defend Shigaraki. Yeah that's about it :3

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