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"Hey Tomoko doesn't that kid look familiar?" Said Tiger pointing at the student who had just won the second round of UA's patented Sports Festival

"Yeah a little, do these jeans make my butt look big? I can't look bad in the stands for the fights!" Tomoko replied not really actually focusing on what Tiger was asking between Kota and Pixie Bob yelling at each other and Mandalay constantly changing her outfit for the sports festival.

"No seriously, look. I swear I've seen him somewhere" Tiger said inspecting the boy on his TV. Tomoko turned to the TV as well, finally getting a look at who Tiger was referring to

"No. Flippin. Way. Yawara that's Izuku!"


Izuku was flung across the arena along with his team, managing just barely to keep their headbands, winning the cavalry battle. He let out a sigh, his strategy had worked, and now he was guaranteed his spot in the final round.

"You're a dick for that disgusting play earlier" said Bakugo laughing, patting his friend on the back as the duo exited the arena, ready to get lunch.

Izuku looked around at all the options there were... as well as some gawking at all the heroes that were present.

"Yo Kacchan can you get me an egg sandwich? I really wanna get Edgeshot to sign my page for him" asked Izuku, eyeing the ninja hero

"Yeah I got you" Bakugo said strolling off to get their lunch.

Izuku began to squeeze his way through the crowd, making his way toward the pro, until he saw a flash of emerald hair similar to his near the entrance. His eyes widened and began trying to follow the green hair across the crowd.

But he couldn't keep up with the hustle and bustle of the masses and alas Izuku had lost his target.
But now he knew she was here.


He cursed himself silently, but took no more time waiting as he started combing the crowd for any sign of her or Tiger. As he was searching someone in the crowd happened to bump into the boy walking in front of Izuku. The kid falling over backwards right into Izuku's legs.

"Sorry" the kid muttered clearly worried he had upset Izuku. But Izuku simply offered a hand to help him up, giving him a friendly smile.

"It's ok, it was an accident" he said to the kid, "now where's your parent?" He asked, looking around.

"Umm uh..." the kid began to look around frantically, "I- uh I don't know. What do I do?" The kid began to panic.

"Woah woah kid calm down. I'll help you find your parents, don't worry" said Izuku crouching down to the kids level "first off, what's your name? I'm Izuku Midoriya"

"U-uh Kota" said the boy, Izuku nodding.

"And who are you here with?"

"My aunties. The easiest one to notice is Ryuko Tsuchikawa, she's blonde, loud, and annoying."

"That tracks"

"I know right?" And just like that the tension was broken as the duo snickered.

"Alrighty then, I'll get you to your auntie. Do you know where your seats in the arena are?" Izuku asked, trying to figure out where to start.

"No we only just got here during the lunch break..."

"Alright, we're gonna go to the stands and see if we can find your auntie, that okay with you Kota?" Izuku asked, still kneeling at Kota's level.

"Mhm, thank you Midoriya" said Kota, Izuku shot Bakugo a text message telling him where he was going before guiding Kota through the crowd to the entrance to the stairs leading up to the top of the arena's stands.

Izuku picked up Kota, placing him on his shoulders to give him a better view.

They looked around for a few minutes, Bakugo stopping by and giving Izuku his sandwich which he split in half and gave to Kota. Kota happily munched on his half as he surveyed the spectators that were starting to file back into the arena, looking for any of his 4 present guardians.

"FILTHY PEDOPHILE!" Shouted a voice from behind the two, a foot planting itself in Izuku's back. Izuku was knocked forward but quickly turned landing on his back so that Kota would land on him instead of the ground. But Kota never hit either.

"Agh what the hell lady?" Izuku looked up seeing the exact description Kota had gave him. A loud and annoying blonde woman that had Kota in her arms and her foot raised above Izuku's face.

She stomped down and Izuku moved his head to the side, just barely avoiding the attack as the lady raised her foot again for another attack.

"AUNTIE STOP!" Kota yelled before she could stomp again. "That's Midoriya! He was trying to help me find you when I got lost"

"Man that hurt" Izuku picking himself up off the ground, the blonde lady furiously apologizing to him over and over. Izuku put up a hand, silencing her. "No need to apologize, I get why you'd be concerned seeing me with your nephew after he got separated from you. Nice kick by the way, Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet ya" Izuku stuck the hand that was up out, the woman shaking it.

"Ryuko Tsuchikawa, and again sorry for the kick, thank you for taking good care of Kota"

"No problem, I gotta run though. The round 3 starts in a bit and I wanna change before my first battle" Izuku said "it was nice to meet you Ms Tsuchikawa, and you too Kota" said Izuku giving Kota a smile only to see Kota frowning at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked the boy.

"I didn't realize you were a student. One becoming a hero. It doesn't matter what your quirk is. You know you're going to die right?" Tsuchikawa was about to reprimand Kota's rudeness but Izuku snorted

"No matter what my quirk is?" Asked Izuku "Why do you say that?"

"Because eventually there's going to be some villain with a better quirk, and they're gonna kill you because you're a hero and you waste your life protecting people you don't even know. So what's even the point?" Kota said raising his voice, clearly getting upset.

"Are you sure? How many people do you think could beat my friend who brought my food? The one with the explosion quirk?" Izuku asked

"If someone has a really strong quirk it doesn't matter how strong his is!"

"I've beaten him before"

"Because yours is probably stronger!"

"I don't have one"

"An- what?" Kota stopped and looked at Izuku weirdly. "Didn't you say you're a student at UA?"

"Sweetie there's something called the general education course, they aren't training to be heroes" said Ryuko before Izuku gave her a strange look as well

"I'm not some Gen Ed, I'm in the hero course too. It's called strategy and persevering" Izuku said, "now I gotta go before the matchups begin, but Kota I'm gonna win and show exactly you WHY I'm not getting killed by some nameless villain"


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