"No," I gasped stumbling to Josh and hugging him tight. "L-Let h-h-him go please..." I sobbed, burring my face in his chest. It wasn't fair... he had just started to get everything back to the way it was before the curse. The only difference was me, and now because of me he was suffering again. I felt completely useless, like one of the princesses who couldn't do anything to save the people they loved.
"No," Nuna stated flatly. "Do what I want or you'll never get him back." Even with her blank expression it was easy to tell how confident she was... She new I'd do anything to save him. I knew she was right.
"Fine," I whispered as shakes ran through my body. "What do you want me to do?" I'd do whatever it took. I had to do something.
"I knew you'd finally help me," Nuna smirked as she pranced over to me. Her sea blue eyes glowed in triumph. She snapped her fingers and Jay's eyes suddenly shifted to a foggy grey.
"W-what did you do to him?" I glared at her as my hands clenched into fists. I wouldn't let anyone hurt him... not again.
"Don't worry," Nuna laughed, seeming amused by my anger. "It only make's sure he can't run... or see... not until I make it go away. It's easier to make deals while there aren't distractions."
"Change him back," My voice cracked and shook as I tried not to sob.
"After we work out that deal," She replied sounding annoyed.
"Okay," I nodded, looking away from Josh so I wouldn't break down.
"So here is what I need," Nuna smirked. "I want you to go get me the Oscura."
"What?" I looked at her confused. She was crazy... this was an impossible deal... one I had no chance of winning. I didn't even know what she was talking about.
"Oh that's right," Nuna sighed. "You humans are idiots. Well, here in this world it's all good sides... well at least mostly, but there is another world were it's all bad. There is a stone there... not of much importance, but it is valuable... I want it, so you will go get it and then bring it back to me."
"I can't get there..." I whispered looking at her upset. "I don't know how."
"I'll send you there," Nuna stated. "And then I'll bring you back once you have it."
"I want help... I want Jen and Lyle to come with me," I whispered. She was betting on the fact that I wasn't as strong as I used to be, and I knew that was probably true.
"Then there's a time limit," Nuna shot back glaring at me. A time limit? That didn't seem fair... she'd make it to short like in all the old stories...
"You like to think of this as a fairy tale don't you?" Nuna laughed suddenly. "Well then let's play by fairy tale rules."
"No," I shook my head. It would be way to short.
"I'll give you before the third sunrise, or he's mine forever," Nuna told me with a smug little grin. "You don't have to go... but your time starts right when you leave this room, wherever you go."
"Fine!" I shouted desperately. "I will... just... how will you know when I find it?" I was stalling yes, but I needed to think out a plan before the time started. Nuna could tell probably because without a word a necklace appeared on her neck. It was completely identical to mine... I frowned. Josh had given me that necklace... not her.
"I'll be able to see with this," she stated impatient. "Now, we have a deal correct?" she held out her hand.
"Yes," I sighed and nodded as I quickly shook her hand. "deal." There were suddenly two gasps behind me, and I didn't really have to wonder who it was. I turned to face Lyle and Jen.
Fantasy"You seem to always refer to this as a fairytale," she said with a smug little grin, "so let's play by fairytale rules." "What do you mean?" I didn't know what she meant. For all I knew what she just said made her automatically win. "I'll be fair t...