"I love you," I whispered to Josh as I gave him a tight hug. The meadow was beautiful in the summer, and the lake was sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight. The grass felt like a giant pillow as we stretched out on it.
"That's weird," Josh chuckled slightly staring at the puffy white clouds in the baby blue sky.
"Why?" I questioned, grinning as I got a glimpse of his perfect half smile.
"Because," He stated like it was obvious. "I don't love you... in fact I kind of hate you."
"W-what?" I sat up in shock. "what do you mean?"
"Why would I care about you?" Josh asked with a disgusted look on his face, like he thought I was a pest. "I'm grateful you saved me... really I am, but why do think the first kiss didn't work? I don't care about you. Why do you think I said they could let you die in the hospital? You're a pain to take care of Casey, and truthfully I wish I hadn't woken you up. It would be so much easier if I hadn't."
"I-I'm sorry," I bit my lip and closed my eyes, trying not to start crying.
"Just leave me alone," Josh stood and started to storm off. No, I thought to myself, don't leave me... please don't.
Suddenly I shot awake, tears streaming down my face.
"It's okay," Josh pulled me into a bear hug. "You're okay. Don't cry it was only a dream."
"A-Are you sure?" I questioned, shaking slightly.
"Yes," He promised as he kissed my forehead gently. "I have to go get ready for work. I'll be right back." He hopped of the bed and walked to his room to get ready... After the accident, and after they found out the dark side of me was gone, my mother couldn't stand taking care of me anymore. I was to much work so Josh pretty much begged me until I agreed to stay at his house. I didn't want to go at first. I didn't want to be to much work for him too, but after a few months it felt like home... almost. As Josh went to get ready I stared at the wall across the room. I wasn't looking at anything really, only thinking. When the curse left it took the dark side with it... good right? Not really. You see, I made a list in my head to understand what was wrong with me better.
Good side:
Always helping/scared of hurting someone
Has to be perfect
Has to protect people
Overall- Stressed
Bad side:
Doesn't care what people think
Doesn't care how others feel
Overall- free and happy
Everyone needs a bad side to be brave, and now mine was gone, and I was... falling apart. Literally I couldn't do anything anymore without almost breaking down. I was trying extra hard to keep Josh happy so he wouldn't start to hate me like my mom had...
"Hey," Josh's voice made me jump. He was standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," I managed a quiet reply. Why does he even care? I wondered. I'm ugly and he's stunning. He could find someone who was so much better than me...
Fantasia"You seem to always refer to this as a fairytale," she said with a smug little grin, "so let's play by fairytale rules." "What do you mean?" I didn't know what she meant. For all I knew what she just said made her automatically win. "I'll be fair t...