22 1 4

-In Jimin's office-

"Jungkook why didn't you tell me you guys met before?!" Jimin asked being jungshook as hell. Jungkook made a 😐 look before saying, "bruh I told you like 2 years ago hyung! why can't you remember anything?" "2 years ago? when?" Jimin asked being dumbfounded. "you know what nevermind just forget it" Jungkook said. "C'mon Jungkook you have to tell me what happened between you two!" "I already told you I don't wanna repeat myself again now bye" Jungkook said leaving the office while Jimin shouted from the inside, "Today or tomorrow I'm gonna find out just wait you stupid bunny!" Jungkook just rolled his eyes and left from there.

Jimin POV
Jungkook left, I told him to come here to spend some time with me since this cold but cute ass bunny looking human has nothing to do right now and I was feeling super lonely but he just left! anyways, It's my fault I shouldn't have asked him about him meeting Yn before I just don't know why I can't remember anything when he said all of this 2 years ago! whatever forget it.
I closed my eyes to relax a bit but my phone rang making me open my eyes in annoyance, who the heck is calling me now! I looked at the caller ID and it was my dad.... why's he calling now?
I answered him and put the call on speaker while keeping it on the table, 
"Hello dad"I greeted him "son how are you?" he asked but his tone was not a normal happy obe like before "I'm good and you?" "not doing good right now" he stopped talking which made me furrow my eyebrows, "dad? is something wrong?" I asked as I felt something might be wrong, "son...... our company got bankrupt"as soon as he said that I got shocked and bymistakely shouted, "WHAT!" I was too stunned to hear this bad news. 
"yeah that's why I'm not doing good" "but since when? I mean when did you find out about it? and--" I kept on asking him million questions that are roaming in my head but he stopped me by saying,  "son, first of all calm down, look I don't know since when did this happen but I found out about it few hours ago" Wow! He found out about it hours ago and he's telling now!
"and you're telling me now?"I asked him as I internally scoffed at him hearing his words, "I thought you were busy so I didn't call you earlier" "ugh! dad! what do we do now!!" I asked him sighing and massaging my temple. 
"well.... we don't know but we're trying our best to find who did it" he replied in a sad tone, I could hear him sighing from the other side of the phone. "uh...dad" "hmm?" "I don't know what to say right now but I'll visit you tomorrow, I'll try to help you" "alright son but what about office?" "Don't worry about that, my secretary will handle things, I know she can do it" "Secretary? my son! are you drunk?" "Dad calm down! no I'm not drunk and yes I really do have a secretary well... dad I will explain to you everything when I come back" "alright son! I'm really happy for you I don't know why" I heard him chuckling as he said that and I smile a bit.

~Time Skip~

Author POV:
It was time to go home and Yn was packing her things ready to go back to her home, "Finally I can sleep Yay!!" she exclaims in happiness while giggling cutely.
The employee that was sitting beside her, named Jiwoo was just watching Yn packing her stuff and waiting for her to tell the whole story of how she met Jimin's friend aka Jungkook but what she doesn't know is she's never gonna get her asnwer. Yn felt Jiwoo's staring at her so she looked at Jiwoo trying to understand the expression and finally understood, Yn sighed before asking, "why are you looking at me like that?" she asked acting as if she doesn't understand, "I want my answers 'missy'" Jiwoo replied calling her the name in a mocking way Jimin calls her.
Yn glares at her cutely before saying, "It's a long long story and I have no energy to tell the whole thing and I'm sleepy right now so I'll tell you tomorrow" saying that she headed to the exit with Jiwoo making a frown; she was so excited to know about it but here she's gonna have to wait again. she groaned in frustration before making her way towards the exit too.

Yn reaches home and throws herself on the sofa, "ahhh what a tiring day!" she closes her eyes for few seconds before opening them again. she goes to her bedroom, taking a quick warm shower she comes back downstairs and to the kitchen. she made her food in the morning before going to the company so she doesn't have to cook at night. 

-Next day-

"So, you thought about your promotion yet missy?" Jimin asks Yn while she was just looking at her lap; she totally forgot about his stupid promotion. she just shook her head as no while Jimin just sighed. "I gave you 24 hours to think, now I don't need your opinion anymore and you're working as my secretary from today" He said making her look at him in a speed of light and blink her eyes for a multiple of times.
Before she could say anything he added, "no buts or ifs AND it's is final." she just sighed in defeat. "okay.....what do I do first?" she asks him making him show off his eye smile, "well, you're lucky today because you don't really have to do anything-" "huh! really?! that means I can go home!!" she exclaims smiling widely but that smile fades as soon as Jimin continues, "no you're not going home missy. you have to handle the company while I'm gone that's all you have to do" he stopped to listen what she's gonna say, "but...but how am I supposed to do that?"she asks being jungshook. he sighed as he expected this answer from her, "Oh don't worry Jungkook will tell you about everything" as soon as she hears that name she gulped the lump of her throat so hard she doesn't know why but her heart goes crazy everytime anyone mentions Jungkook, she  "but why him? is there no one else?" "do you really hate him that much? I mean he's such a nice guy but he can be a cold human sometimes he always acts shy you know! plus who can deny someone like him! he's so perfect in everything! Don't you think so?
every girls used to drool over him in highschool and university but he hated those attention seekers" when Jimin was talking about Jungkook Yn was just blinking her eyes looking at him, why is he suddenly talking about Jungkook, all she could say is, "I... I don't know" " yeah whatever. and yes I do have other friends but they're really busy with their lives doing their own businesses but Jungkook-ah...... I don't know about him he's mostly free so that's wait lemme call him". 

Jimin dials  Jungkook's number and waits for him to answer but hears Jungkook's ringtone from outside the door, Jimin looks at the door and then at his phone, "Jungkook-ahh you out there?!" Jimin shouts from inside, Jungkook comes in saying, "Yes I was why?" with his signatures cold face.

"what were you doing out there?" Jimin asked not understanding this man. "I came here a long time ago because I was bored, but I heard my name so I decided to eavesdrop" Jungkook replied scratching his neck showing his nervous bunny smile making Yn widen her eyes internally in shock. Jimin wasn't wrong. He does act shy.
"Aisshhh this bunny!"Jimin says shaking his head in deibelief "Yah! I'm not a bunny can't you see I'm a damn human!" Jungkook shouts not too loud making Jimin chuckle, "whatever human looking like bunny or whatever. I need to go help my dad with something you take care of her" Jimin says taking his stuff from the table and standing up, "Hyung! are you kidding me? I'm not doing that I'm not here to do this!" Jungkook said scoffing at his hyung, "Jungkook, everyone's busy you're the only one who's always free just teach her what a secretary should do while I'm gone"Jimin said looking at the maknae who doesn't give a shit about wht he's saying, "Please Jungkook!! I promise I'll buy you hundred boxes of banana milk" Jimin said that as he knows how much Jungkook loves banana milk.
"I still don't want to" Jungkook replies folding his arms on his chest, "You don't want banana milk?"Jimin asks being shocked not expecting his plan didn't work "I can buy myself" Jungkook says stealing a glance at Yn who's just staring at the ground lost in her own world.

Before Jimin could say anything, he gets a call from his dad, he sighed in defeat before saying, "fine I'm going my dad's calling. do whatever you want bunny" as Jimin says the last word, he chuckles and dashed out of the house not wanting to be murdered by Jungkook while Jungkook just rolled his eyes at the nickname and mumbles to himself while glaring at the door, "bunny my foot! just come back you shorty and see what I'm gonna do".
Jungkook pretends to cough gaining Yn's attention, "are you just gonna stand there doing nothing?" he asks her being irritated as hell, "uh n-no....." Yn replied as his voice sounded kinda creepy, "if you want you can go home" he said trying his best to sound calm "but what about sir? he said to---" before she could completer her sentence he cut her off saying, "forget about him now go if you want or just stay here." He said as he too dashed out of the office.

What the freak just happened!
this stupid Jimin could've just called me yesterday he has to go somewhere! ughhh what am I supposed to do!!!
I swear to god if I had the courage to kill both of these boys right now I would've done it! whatever let's listen to Jungkook, he told me to go home! at least I can relax.

Hello my sweetcheeks!How's ur guys's lives? so sorry for making you guys wait again, my bsf was literally asking me since last week when am I gonna publish this chapter so here you go my bestie and to all my readers.Enjoy reading and.......Luv youuuuuuu💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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