Chapter 1

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I am Alli. 

I was born from a water lily in a sacred yajna. I am the Queen of Pandyas. I ruled over Sri Lanka from my impenetrable fortress, in the capital of my country, Kudiramalai.

This is my story. 


A grand yajna was conducted by my father, inviting Kings from the north, south, east, west and central region of Bharatvarsh. My father had been childless for years and listening to the advice of his Chief Priest, he decided to follow suit as King Dasharatha in Ramayana to perform the Putrakameshti ritual. 

My father's wife had died years ago and he chose not to marry again as he loved her too deeply to forget her. Rather than marry a new wife, he chose to perform a yajna to obtain a child to satisfy his pangs for fatherhood. 

I felt the warmth of the fire but I was shielded from heat by the divine water lily. Slowly, the petals of the water lily opened allowing me to step out. I was ten years old when I was born into the mortal world. 

My father was overjoyed, he embraced me and wept happy tears. The entire assembly of gathered Kings applauded my entry into the world. My father declared that I should be named Alli, as I was born of a water lily. 

As a Princess of Pandyas, I believed my life would be wonderful. It was later I realized how wrong I was. I should have been born a man, then, I would not have suffered this torment. 

Since the day I was born, the ministers at court kept pestering my father to perform another ritual to obtain a son. One day, when I was playing in my room, I overheard an argument. I peeked outside of my room.

I saw my father sitting on the throne, looking unhappy. The ministers including Prime Minister and the Head Priest kept on asking him the same question, "How can a girl be a heir to a Kingdom?"

"Your Majesty" said the Head Priest, "A woman will marry and leave the Kingdom one day. How can we entrust the Kingdom to her?"

I felt furious at this injustice and the way they bothered my father. I rushed into the courtroom with my long hair, flowing behind me. Seeing me, the assembly fell silent. I was aware that people were a little wary of me as I was born from divine means. 

I said firmly, "Today, in the presence of the entire court, the King and the Heavens as my witness. I swear that I will never leave this Kingdom even if I marry. The man I marry must stay with me in my Kingdom, I will never abandon the citizens of the Pandya Empire. This I vow on the sacred water lily and the sacred fire that I was born from!"

Thunderclaps rang outside and a thunderstorm began outside. The entire court trembled in fear, thinking this was a divine sign from Indra. I thought they were being foolish, a change in weather did not indicate any godly approval. Nevertheless, since this was beneficial to me, I kept quiet.

My father stood up from his throne. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and roared in a reverberating voice, "I will train my daughter in the art of war like I would train a son. I will send her to a Gurukula under the guidance of my Guru who once taught me. Make arrangements for the Princess' journey to the Gurukula" 

The Court could not openly contradict the King's orders but I saw through their cunning expressions that they were planning something big. 

                                                                               Few Years Later

"Ilavarasi ! Wait!" called out my friend, Meena, as she galloped on her horse at breakneck speed to keep up with me.

I glanced over my shoulder with a grin and galloped even faster. I shouted over the rising wind, "Keep up with me, slowpoke!" I nudged my horse's sides with my feet. 

Horse riding is one of my favourite pastimes. It is exhilarating, I can feel the blood thrumming in my ears. I can feel the wind brushing my face, it feels like I am flying! 

"Ilavarasi!" Meena called out again, "Look out!"

It was only then, I noticed that I nearly ran into a tree. I firmly pressed my legs into the horses' sides and pulled at the reins, shouting "Stop!" 

My pearly white horse obediently came to a halt, "Good job, Muthu!" I said, petting his mane and Muthu made an approving sound. 

Meena's horse leapt over a fallen tree and finally stopped next to me, "I cannot believe you managed to tame this devil horse in so short a time! You named him after a pearl? A name after a Raatchasan would be much better for him!" 

My horse neighed angrily in outrage at the mere suggestion of being named after a Rakshasa. I laughed and gently petted his sides, "Don't worry, Muthu, I won't let Meena bully you" I pointed at Meena with my riding whip, "Don't insult him" I said, with a wink and a grin. 

Meena rolled her eyes and said, "Alright! Alright!" 

Suddenly, a messenger rushed towards us, riding on his horse. He pulled up right next to me and said, "Ilavarasi! Your Guru is calling for you! Something urgent came up!" 

I frowned, "Is everything okay at my father's palace?"

The messenger glanced at Meena, "This is confidential information! Please see your Guru immediately" 

I exchanged glances with Meena, "I trust Meena with my life" I said, "Whatever you have to say to me. Say it now!"

The messenger nodded uneasily and said, "The King of Pandyas is no more!" 

It felt as if the earth gave way beneath me. I swayed uneasily and fell down from my horse. I could hear Meena's distraught shout, "Alli !!!" The ground struck my head hard and I lost consciousness for sometime. 

When I woke up, I was in my Guru's hut, I was being tended to by Meena. "Are you better?" Meena asked, worriedly.

I nodded jerkily, even as tears pooled into my eyes. My Guru said gruffly, "If you want to cry, just cry! What are you acting all tough for?"

I nodded gratefully and burst into tears, I held onto Meena and wailed. There were years of memories with my father. He had been my mother and my father all my life. What would I do now that he is gone!? Who would guide me to sit on my horse? Who would teach me how to wield every weapon? Who would insist that I learn the ways of court politics? Who would teach me the passion for reading books? 

His face appeared before me, ever smiling, despite the burdens of kingship on his shoulders. My shoulders shook with grief, Father, why did you leave me so early? Who can ever take your place in my life?

The messenger appeared into my range of vision. He swallowed and said, "I have more bad news, Ilavarasi!" 

I took a steadying deep breath and said, "Go ahead!"

The messenger said, "The court is in upheaval now! The ministers are supporting your cousin, Lord Neelamugan, as the next King" 


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