Chapter 2

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Anger coursed through my veins. This was my father's Kingdom! Why should my cousin be entitled to it, merely, because of his gender? 

I told the messenger, tersely "Please send a message back to the capital that I will be returning"

During this time of adversity, I am not sure whom I can trust in the court. Meena and my Guru are the only ones I personally know who will back my claim to the throne. As far as I am aware, the majority of the court does not approve me. 

I turned to Meena, "Let's go back! I need to find more support to back my claim to the Pandya throne!" 

Saying so, I got up from the cot and thanked my Guru for everything he has taught me in all these years. 

Meena and I rode at breakneck speed on our horses. The hermitage of my Guru went further and further away from me. I would sorely miss my Guru but I vowed that once I become the Queen, he will be appointed as the Prime Minister. 

I could see the palace approaching nearer, I halted my steed right before palace gates. The guards immediately recognized my signet ring and bowed, "Welcome back, Ilavarasi!"

I nodded in acknowledgement and dashed inside the opened gates. I rode towards the palace, my heart thudding in fear of what was to come. The palace appeared and I leapt off my horse, whistling for my horse to stop. 

"Meena, take care of Muthu. I will be right back" I petted Muthu and he neighed affectionately.

Meena nodded and held onto Muthu's reins, "Go! May the gods be with you, Ilavarasi!" 

The entire court greeted me in shocked silence. It was clear they expected me to back off my claim to the throne without a fight. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, "What is going on here? My father is dead, he is barely cremated and there is an open rebellion in the court?! Is this how much your loyalty is worth towards your late King?!"

The court had the grace to looked embarrassed but it was obvious my cousin had no shame. He walked forward with a swagger, whistling softly, with his arms folded behind his back. If I did not know of his despicable character, anyone else would have mistaken him for a handsome charmer.

"My dear cousin! You have no claim to the throne! The throne is passed on to male heirs and clearly" he cast a vulgar glance at my chest, "You are not male and so, you are no heir!"

"I am the blood of the late King! I am his only daughter! You are not a direct descendant! You are the son of his sister who renounced her Pandya lineage when she married your father! How can you have a claim to the Pandya throne?"

I cast a glare at the entire court, an elderly minister coughed uncomfortably and began, "Ilavarasi!  Your cousin has a point! It is the established law that only a man can hold the royal scepter and be crowned as the King! Here at the court, we strongly believe that he will make the better heir"

Another elderly minister added in a wheezing voice, "Ilavarasi! Do not disgrace your late father's ashes by going against established law. As a woman, your duty is to marry advantageously for the Pandya Kingdom and to produce male heirs"

A senior minister joined in the chorus, "Simply because the late King spoiled you and made you believe you were not less than a man, does not make you equal to a man! Don't you forget that, Ilavarasi!"

I cannot believe my ears, not even a day after my fathers' death, the entire court was against me. I thought I would come here to fight my cousin but now, I understand that I am fighting a system. A system which believed in the superiority of a male simply based on gender.

I declared, "I invoke the ancient rite of a duel to decide the legal heir to the throne!"  

I glared daggers at my cousin, if that spoilt brat fought me, I would make him bite the dust in seconds. However, my cousin was cunning, "How can I fight a woman? It would not be fair!" he smoothly sidestepped the duel.  

I cursed internally, what do I do now?!

My cousin said, "Leave us, I would like a few words with my cousin"

As if this brat was already the King, the court bowed obediently and dispersed. I seethed internally, I wanted to smack that smirking face of his. 

The entire courtroom was empty within seconds of his command, my cousin grinned "See, not even the uncontested heir and look at the command I have over the whole court! I am the better candidate, wouldn't you agree?"

"Fight me if you dare, you coward! I will teach you just who is heir to my father's legacy here!"

My cousin clicked his tongue disapprovingly, triumph written all over his face "Let's face facts, Alli! No one will ever accept you as heir so long as I am alive. In fact, even if I am dead, the ministers will fish some distant relative as the heir rather than accept a woman's rule! That's just how things are done!"

I reminded myself to take calming breaths, relax. Breathe in. Breathe out. I remembered my Guru's advice to stay as calm as still water in any situation. 

"I have a proposal that will work for both of us" said my cousin with a crooked grin. 

I looked up, "What?"

"It's very simple! You are trying to step into a man's shoes. How about you step into a woman's shoes instead? How about you marry me and bear my sons? Then, at least you will be a part of your father's legacy in some way" 

Before I could say something, he added "Well, we don't have to marry if you don't want to! I don't mind keeping you with me as a concubine. Your beauty is well-known after all!" 

I drew my hand back and slapped him twice. One, a forehand slap and another, a backhand slap. I drew my leg back and kicked him in the abdomen, he fell into a curled ball onto the floor.

I will die before I allow anyone to demean me, no one with a hint of self-respect should allow anyone to say such things. Before I could beat him to a bloody pulp, he squealed like a pig for his guards.

"Guards! Arrest her! Keep her under house arrest in her room!"

His guards rushed forward and held each of my hands, "Ilavarasi!" they begged me, "Please cooperate with us! We served your father once and we still respect the late King. Please don't make us use force on you! Please come with us" 

I nodded, very well, if the court won't support me, I will have to look for support outside the court. 

Queen Alli - Beloved of ArjunaWhere stories live. Discover now