Chapter 6

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In Alli's Palace, the same day, late at night

I sat on the edge of my bed and recalled the face of the younger snake charmer. He was one of the most handsome men I had ever seen in my life. I wanted to see him again. 

"Arasi!" I heard Meena calling and turned around, "Yes"

"I saw you smitten with a certain someone" she said with a playful smirk.

"Nonsense, you are mistaken" I snorted

"I am not mistaken" Meena said in a singsong voice

"Is it really dignified of a Queen and her Minister to giggle over some handsome face like a pair of teenage girls?" I asked.

"Oh, so, you admit he is handsome"

I rolled my eyes and said, "It was just an offhanded compliment"

"Sure, sure" said Meena with a grin

The Next Day Morning 

I invited the snake charmers to my court room and they entertained the court for a few hours. Our day to day work at court is so hectic that these snake charmers performance were a much needed entertainment. 

 The court applauded for each of their antics and finally, the performance ended. I paid them twice the amount of last time for entertaining the entire court. I thanked both of them for their time and the two snake charmers exited the court.

The Same Day Night 

I tossed and turned on my luxurious bed, sleep was eluding me today. The face of that younger snake charmer kept appearing in my mind. Thoughts of his attractive face, broad shoulders, wide chest, muscular biceps and tiger-like narrows waist kept me awake. I sighed, I need to move on from this. How long will I think of a snake charmer? I have duties to my kingdom and my people, I cannot marry a snake charmer for their sake!

Suddenly, I heard a loud thud. I sat up on my bed and quickly unsheathed my sword, who was there?  To my surprise, the doors to my chamber slowly opened. I stood, with my sword poised, ready to slice the assassin to pieces. 

"Calm down, O Queen! I mean no harm" came a familiar voice. 

I peered into the semi-darkness but he appeared into the light, it is him! It was the younger snake charmer. Were these snake charmers possibly assassins sent by Neelamugan? I shouldn't have invited them into my court today!

"Queen Alli, I am no assassin and I am no spy, I assure you!" he said, calmly, not in the least scared that I brandishing a sword at him

"You are no snake charmer, if you were one, you would not have been able to get past my guards and be so calm while facing an armed person"

"You are correct" he said with a charming grin, "I am Arjuna, the third of the Pandavas, Son of Indra, Prince of Hastinapura, King of Indraprastha, wielder of the bow Gandiva and wearer of Indra's celestial diadem"

I gaped at him in astonishment, what?! "King Arjuna" I began

"Just Arjuna, please"

"Arjuna, why have you infiltrated my palace tonight? It is dishonorable of you to enter the women's quarters like this"

"Your beauty and courage have compelled me to appear before you like this" he replied smoothly

"Fine words won't get you anywhere" I warned, "What did you do to my guards?"

"Listen, O Queen" he whispered and I did, in the stillness, I could vaguely hear the sound of a flute. Krishna?

"Krishna put your guards to sleep" smiled Arjuna 

"If you think this little parlor trick of yours is going to win me over, you are wrong" I said angrily 

"In your eyes, I saw that you reciprocated my love" said Arjuna, "Why do you deny your heart, O Warrior Queen?"

"Fine" I scoffed, "I will need to test you before I accept you" 

"Alright" said Arjuna, softly, "Anything you desire"

I blushed slightly but cleared my throat and said, "I will have you fight an elephant tomorrow in my training ground"

"Done" Arjuna nodded, "Anything else?"

His nonchalance and confidence irked me and I sharply added, "Yes, you will have to fight a King Cobra in a mud pit"

"Consider it done" he said with a smirk

"Do you not fear for your life?" I asked him

"I would die a thousand times over if I could win your heart, O Queen" he replied, silkily, causing me to blush

"Very well" I said, "Let's see if you actions match the bravado of your words"

"I always keep my word" replied Arjuna, confidently 

The Next Day Morning

The climate was sweltering hot today, I saw rivulets of sweat rolling down Arjuna's bare torso. He looked stunning in a white cotton dhoti. The entire court was gathered to witness the "mad man" who was going to fight an elephant and a king cobra on the same day. 

The newly captured wild bull elephant was released from its iron cage. It let out an earsplitting trumpet and charged at Arjuna. I saw Arjuna swerve smoothly to the left, the furious elephant charged again. Arjuna swerved to the right and the elephant ran past him. The elephant turned around and charged at Arjuna again. I saw that this time Arjuna did not try to avoid it. When it approached closer, Arjuna simply leapt onto its back. The elephant tried its best to dislodge him from its back but Arjuna whispered soothing words and kept stroking the elephant's back. Slowly, the elephant calmed down and harmlessly walked around, with Arjuna sitting like a King on its back. 

I was impressed but I tried to keep my expression neutral. Arjuna had to pass one more test before he became an eligible bridegroom in my eyes. 

I watched as Arjuna was lowered by a ladder into the six inch deep mud pit. He was armed with only a wooden stick and nothing else. The sun was high and glaring in the sky and each of us felt as if we were being boiled like rice. I watched as Arjuna stood in a martial stance, ready to defend and attack. Without warning, the King Cobra was flung into the pit. I nearly gasped but I bit my lip and controlled myself. Arjuna valiantly battled with the King Cobra and after thirty grueling minutes, he emerged from the pit with the King Cobra held tightly with both hands. 

The entire court crowd erupted into deafening cheers. Trumpets were sounded, conches blown and drums beats echoed everywhere. Arjuna handed over the snake to the snake catcher and waved at the cheering crowd. He searched for me in the crowd and once he met my eyes, he winked at me.

I could not help but grin from ear to ear. I heard of Arjuna's amorous escapades with Ulupi, Chitrangada and Subhadra but now, I could see why they fell for him. The man's charm was simply infectious! 

Arjuna walked out of the arena and he returned, bathed and dressed in a magnificent attire. I watched as he strode towards me with the confidence of a conqueror. He stood inches away from me, towering over me and said, "I have kept my word, O Queen, but if you still object to my presence, I will remove myself from here immediately. I know, as a Queen, you believe you should keep your word but I beg you to not force yourself to accept me. If I have displeased you, banish me without a second thought! I promise to honour your wishes!"  

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