Chapter 9: On Wings of Yellow

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Yellow 13

4 of the pilots assembled in the briefing room as Yellow 13 walked to the front. The adjutant dimmed the lights as a screen lit up. "ISAF has been launching several air attacks on key targets ever since they defeated our bombers over North Point. Command has decided that we are to perform an intercept because of this." The map flashed at an area on the south side of the continent. "We have located an ISAF VIP being transported by air and escorted by a squadron sized force. Yellow Squadron will move and destroy this entire formation." The lights flicked back on as all 5 of the pilots moved for their jets. As they passed the door each one ruffled the hair of the boy as he waited at the door. It had become a tradition in Yellow Squadron. Before long, five Su-37's were taxiing with 13 and 4 in the lead, followed by Yellows 10, 6 and 9. The five took off, one after another and carved their contrails through the sky, flying to the south on their intercept mission.

Yellow 13 was leading the 5 ship formation at Mach 2. Off his right wing was Yellow 4, and off his left was Yellow 10. Yellow 6 and Yellow 9 were at the far ends of the formation. The C-5 Galaxy transport was about 20 kilometres off their noses now. It was escorted by 5 ISAF F-18s. 13 gave a three finger hand signal to 4 and 10 who repeated it to 6 and 9. All the planes prepared their long range air to air missiles, and waited for 13 to call the shot. 13 waited for all the planes on his radar to have solid lock indicators from himself and his allies before calling it. <<Yellow 13, Fox 3>> crackled over the radio as the missiles leapt off their hardpoints. This was followed by the other four following suit, and multiple smoke trails flew towards the escorts. The Hornets broke formation, spewing flares and chaff in order to evade the missiles. Three of them were successful while two others broke into flames on their impacts. 13 then called out orders over his radio. <<4, 10 you're with me to mop up the escorts. 6 and 9, get the transport>>. A chorus of responses followed as 13 lit his afterburners into the dogfight. He tailed the one that seemed to be the lead bird. They turned and climbed, each trying to get the better of the other. Two heat seekers came from the Hornet, deflected by 13's Terminator and the process was repeated with the roles reversed. The pilot was good, 13 would give him that. 4 and 10 had dispatched their enemies and were holding a perimeter. 6 had gotten the transport and now all four of his squadron watched as their leader danced around. Suddenly a blaring sound filled 13's ears. He looked at his instrument panel and saw what had caused it. He had hit bingo fuel. He needed to disengage now in order to make it back to base. The F-18 apparently had the same issue as he broke North. Just as 4 was about to start a pursuit, 13 called. <<Yellow Squadron, bingo fuel, rtb>>. He heard a disappointed grumble from 4 but she complied and formed up as they went for San Salvacion.

Mobius 1

Mobius was watching as the lone Hornet completed his landing. As the plane taxied to its hangar, Mobius walked over. Halo 4 hopped out, exhausted and nearly collapsing just as Mobius got there. "Easy there" said Mobius as he took Halo's arm over his shoulder. "What happened?" he inquired and got a hushed response. "Yellow Squadron bounced us. Got the transport and the rest of my squad." Mobius continued walking him back to the base, until he got to just at the entrance where some medics took over from him. He heard footsteps and turned to see Sky Eye behind him. "Someone in Erusea's high command isn't happy." It was an understatement, but Mobius had learned that was a skill that Sky Eye had. He nodded, grimacing as a thought entered his head. How long until the Yellows showed up on one of his missions. Sky Eye noticed and clapped his shoulder. "Come on, Rebecca wants to talk. Said she had something she's been working on for the Raptor." He nodded and followed the AWACS operator. Yellow would be a thorn in their side, but Mobius would be ready to face them. Hopefully, a quiet voice in the back of his mind added, he wouldn't have to.

Yellow 13

The sun had set on San Salvacion soon after the victorious Yellows had landed. The debriefing was short before 13 had dismissed them for the day and they had made their way to their favourite palace in the city. The Sky Kid bar was packed and the adjutant was doing the now usual ritual of going through the kill records. 13 was just standing overseeing the scene. He saw the boy leaning up against Yellow 4 as he read a comic. For all her seemingly bloodthirsty nature in combat, 4 had a soft side when it came to the boy. That pretty much described all the Yellow's. He heard a cough behind him and turned. It was Yellow 10. 10 was one of the newer pilots, but he showed promise. "What do you want, Jean-Louis?" he asked, using 10's name instead of number. 10 was caught off guard by it but soon recovered. "Well boss, I was wondering if you might go over my fight with me and show my fight with me and show me any points I could improve". 13 broke into a smile at that. A willingness to learn was a good sign. "Alright, show me what you did". So 10 did, using a pair of models on sticks to demonstrate. When 13 noticed something he interjected and usually posed it as a question to get 10 to think. He was a smart one, and a quick learner. Soon most of the squadron were gathered around, watching their leader instruct him. After it was done 13 turned to face 10 directly. "You did well and demonstrated a willingness to learn. That's a good sign. Keep going like this and who knows, maybe you'll get your own squadron." The praise had a visible effect on 10 as he profusely thanked 13 for teaching him. Soon enough the squadron started heading back to the base, and it was 13's turn to make sure the boy got settled. He looked at the comic and questioned the boy. "Where did you get this?" The boy wore a mischievous grin as he replied. "Yellow 4 gave it to me. She got it off of you while you were asleep." He too broke out into a grin. He left after the boy had dozed off and headed for his own quarters. 13 was uncertain of many things, but he was sure that life was going well for all members of Yellow. And he was willing to die to make sure that stayed the same.

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