Chapter 28: The Ribbon Fighter

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Mobius 1

The Valley had calmed down from the excitement of the escort. Mobius' new found popularity after that newspaper article had been published, meant that the ISAF Public Relations agency was pressing him to do a live TV interview in Los Canas. Mobius really didn't want to, but the combined power of nagging from Rebecca, Sky Eye, Viper 9 and Omega 11 eventually made him relent. Before he headed off to the city, he swore he saw Sky Eye grabbing a bowl of popcorn for watching the interview. The official ISAF car had a driver in it and a lieutenant from the PR division. The lieutenant greeted him with an enthusiastic handshake. "Hello sir, I'm Lieutenant Michaels and let me just say it's an honour to meet you" he supreted out while gesturing for Mobius to get in. Michaels then explained how almost all the ISAF personnel had known about the famous Ribbon since the raid on North Point. He had become a pillar of hope for the organisation. A rookie who had almost single handedly turned the tide of the war. They were now driving through green fields on the way to the city. Michaels quickly went over what Mobius was going to be doing. It still confused him why he was being referred to as 'sir', but then he remembered that as a nominal squadron leader, he was a captain. "So, we have the studio all set up, all you'll have to do is answer the questions from the interviewer. Try to make yourself look likeable, crack a few jokes, be serious when it's needed and you'll do fine sir" Michaels told him. "Right, thanks" Mobius answered back, lost in thought. It had been a while since he had thought about home, and now he would have to talk about it on a broadcast going around the world. Outside the window, the rolling fields turned into the blocks and skyscrapers of Los Canas. The car stopped, and Michaels led Mobius into a skyscraper with a sign at the entrance saying 'Central Usean Broadcasting Service'. The security waved them through, and there were hushed whispers from the other visitors as they saw the Mobius Strip on the flight suit. They took an elevator up to what appeared to be the hair and makeup department. In there, Mobius saw a familiar face. "Well, fancy seeing you again, Mister Ribbon Fighter '' said Kei Nagase. "Same to you, what are you doing here?" responded Mobius. Nagase shrugged and answered "They wanted someone from either 701 or 702 to do a quick interview for the broadcast. No one else wanted to, so I volunteered". A stage hand then gestured Nagase onto the set while Mboius was positioned for the crew to work on his appearance. A small wall mounted tv showed the set and what was being broadcast live. There were two presenters on, a male and female, and they were just opening the segment. "Well good morning to all Useans and of course, our international viewers. This is the CUBS Breakfast Show and today, we have a special treat for you" the male presenter said into the camera. The female one took over "Two weeks ago, a story broke that captured the attention of the world. The Ribbon Fighter. Now CUBS is pleased to announce we have secured an interview with one of the pilots of the civilian flights and the Ribbon himself"

Kei Nagase

"Please welcome, Air Ixiom First Officer, Kei Nagase!". That was her cue. She walked into the spotlight, smiling and waving at the cheering crowd. The two presenters shook her hand and beckoned for her to take a seat. The questions came hard and fast. What was the purpose of your flight? Who were the passengers? How long were you planning the escape? The final one however, was something unexpected. "What would you say to the Ribbon Fighter, right now?" Nagase had to pause and consider before answering. "I would say thank you for protecting my life, my fellow crew's lives and the lives of the passengers" she said after a small bit of contemplation. A nodding followed from the hosts before one of them spoke up. "Well that's all we have time for. Please thank Kei Nagase". The clapping started up as she left into the backstage area. She passed Mobius, who gave her a nod. Within minutes she was out of the building and back in the ISAF Intelligence safehouse. But she tuned in to CUBS to catch Mobius' interview. It would certainly be an interesting one.

Mobius 1

Mobius was standing there impatiently. As with most things, the waiting was worse than the experience. The station had gone to a break before bringing on Mobius for his interview. Something about getting the viewers even more excited for the 'main event' as they put it. Well, the break was almost up as Mobius saw all the equipment being readied. The two presenters assumed their positions as a red light appeared on the cameras, indicating that they were now live. Mobius half listened into the introduction while trying to calm his nerves. "Welcome back. The moment you've all been waiting for has finally arrived. CUBS has managed to secure a world exclusive interview with the now internationally acclaimed ISAF ace pilot" the male started and the female took over. "Please welcome, The Ribbon Fighter". Inhaling deeply, Mobius stepped out. The audience in the studio went ballistic as he walked out. He nervously waved at them before taking the seat gestured to by the hosts. "Welcome to CUBS" one of them said. Mobius nodded in response. " So, tell us, where are you from?" There it was, the question Mobius had been dreading. Well, better to get it over with quickly than drag it out, Mobius thought as he started answering. "San Salvacion actually" he replied, aware of the stares of the audience, as if they were analysing his every action. "Before Erusea occupied it, I left to go join the ISAF pilot training program." "Don't you have any family still in the city?" one of the presenters asked. Mobius just shrugged, saying "I don't know if they're still there or not. That's just how war is." Sympathetic stares came from the audience. The other presenter took over with a different question. "Why run and become a pilot of all things?". Mobius felt a grin appear on his face as he responded. "You ever have something that you just become obsessed with as a child that lasts all the way through your life? For me, that was piloting. Every chance I got, I would gather as much information as I could on it, until here I am now." The rest of the questions were routine stuff. Mostly, Mobius had to refuse to answer most related to anything involving the war. Eventually, someone from offstage beckoned him out of the spotlight. Michaels came up to him with a broad smile. "You did brilliantly sir!" he exclaimed while frantically shaking his hand. Mobius just nodded as he was led off by the PR officer. The drive back to the base was routine, the scenery was the same. The humidity increasing around them gave Mobius his first indication that they were close to the Valley. The car deposited him back at the base where the commander whisked him in. There was still a war going on, and The Ribbon Fighter wouldn't be getting a break.

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