Chapter 47: The Firebird

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Mobius 1

"You flyboys and girls have it so easy. You don't have to worry about cleaning off a rifle or anything" Daniels exclaimed to Mobius and Sky Eye. The members of Bravo Team had recently decided that the pilot rec room was as good a place as any to crash and relax after their several weeks spent in the desert. "The maintenance wasn't that bad" Wilson countered, taking his recently acquired drink in hand as he did. "There was sand all over it!" Daniels exclaimed even louder. Wilson finished his sip before responding, a grin plastered over his dark skinned features as he did. "Yeah, that tends to happen in the desert". Daniels just sighed at that. As did everyone. It was a terrible joke. Rebecca came in, looked around the room and then spotted Mobius. She wandered over to him as Mobius looked up. "You somehow managed to get sand, all in the air intakes. I don't know how you did it. It's fixed now but it was a pain to get out". As if to emphasise her point, several ground crew members came in, covered from head to toe in sand. Several of them gave Mobius the bird as they walked past. Rebecca took a seat on the side and watched as Sky Eye, Mobius, Daniels and Wilson went back to their UNO game. The game was becoming very competitive as the pairs of the air wing and 12th SOC competed to see which one could win. Well, it was competitive, until Sky Eye decided to plus 4 chain onto Daniels. The marksmen could only watch in despair as the AWACS then declared victory and he and Mobius exchanged a high-five. The commander got up from his seat where he was watching after that. An aid had just whispered something to him, and he came over and told Mobius and Sky Eye to report to the briefing room. As they left Daniels shouted after them "Rematch!". Wilson turned to his best friend and just shook his head. Bravo 4 could only sink his head in his hands in despair.

The blue screen powered up as the old warbird started addressing the ace and AWACS. "About 10 minutes ago, ISAF forward radar picked up two unidentified contacts moving on a course towards North Point". The map showed this with two red triangles. "We don't know if they're Erusean, they aren't transmitting IFF, but your job is to intercept and ascertain their identity and intentions. Strict ROE on this one. Only fire if you're fired upon. Don't want an international incident". The commander finished as the blue screen showed a blue triangle intercepting the two red ones. Mobius and Sky Eye nodded as the screen powered down and they headed to the tarmac. The commander watched as the E-767 and F-22 both spooled up. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. He dialled the first number and waited. "He's on the way. I think it's those two, so I need your help. I can't afford to lose this one. How quickly can you get there?" A burst of chatter on the other end seemed to satisfy him. "Alright, scramble at once. Keynote out". And with that he terminated the call and watched as the Ribbon Fighter ascended into the deep blue once more. The old warbird prayed his hunch was incorrect, but it was better safe than sorry. Besides, the man on the other end had been interested in meeting the kid for ages.

<<Mobius 1, Tanker Lima 7, check approach>> the voice of the tankers boom operator called as Mobius approached the KC-10. <<Lima 7, approach is good>> he responded after checking the instrument panels to make sure that it was all set for the refuelling. <<Roger Mobius 1. You're good to go for hook up>> the boom operator responded. Mobius edged the Raptor forwards and down. The boom passed over the clear cockpit and lined up with the open hatch halfway down the fuselage. <<Attaching now>> came the operator as the boom slid its way in and locked in place. <<Good lock Lima 7>> Mobius confirmed that the seal was set in place for the refuelling pipe. <<Roger, pump sequence initiated>>. The familiar sound of fuel flowing across the metal pipe and into his tanks then filled his ears for the next 10 minutes. <<Lima 7 detached. Good hunting Mobius 1>> the boom operator transmitted as the KC-10 veered away from the F-22. Mobius continued on course for the intercept point, wishing that he had something to entertain himself with.


An Su-37 streaked across the land. The pilot was pushing it to his limits. On the vertical stabilisers, was a symbol that had become a legend 8 years prior: The Firebird.

Mobius 1

<<Sky Eye here, approaching intercept point>> the AWACS called as Mobius approached the area that the computer had calculated for intercept. <<Bogey dope?>> Mobius requested. Sky Eye scanned his radar and relayed the returns. <<Bogey 1, bearing 050 from bulls. Bogey 2, bearing 060 from bulls. 8 kilometres from current position>> Mobius heard, and he banked the Raptor towards that bearing. The Pulse Doppler set in the Raptor sent out its waves and registered the returns, searching for the two unidentified craft. A beep from the instrument panel confirmed that it had a lock on the two craft. Mobius edged his throttle up even more. He was coming in at about the 6 o'clock of both craft. Once he was in position, he reached for the radio transmit button. <<This is the Independent State Allied Forces plane Mobius 1 to the two unidentified aircraft. State your identification and intentions or you will be shot down.>> he called. Mobius could see the two of them now. One was an F-14D Tomcat, the other was a F/A-18E Hornet. Both were painted a full crimson red, with no identification markings at all. There was some form of blue light coming from their cockpits. Just as he was about to repeat the call, a burst of static came through his radio, as the Hornet flipped and fired, with the Tomcat following soon after. <<Mobius 1, under fire!>> he called, expecting a response from Sky Eye. But there was nothing. It was then that the realisation struck him. The two craft were jamming him, and he was on his own. Quickly, he flipped on the flare bypass and dumped the countermeasures while climbing up. The missiles flew past, hitting the ground just below them. The F-14D then levelled itself out. Mobius dove down on it, only to see the F/A-18E come around on his tail. They were using each other as bait. Mobius broke away as cannon fire swept past him. He couldn't get a shot, so he was solely on the defensive for the moment. One would dive in, and if Mobius moved to take a shot, the other would swoop in and fire against him. It was a losing battle. Flares were almost constantly spitting out of the F-22, and Mobius could feel the g-force pushing against him as he pulled some of the hardest manoeuvres he had ever done. But just as he pulled out of a turn, his radar registered a new contact. An Su-37.


He shot two long range missiles at the first target. It dodged, but he got close enough to fire heatseekers instead. These hit, but the Hornet was still flying. The F-22 was still flying. Good, he could handle one and the kid could take the other. The 30mm cannon fired from his Su-37. The wing was ripped off the F/A-18E and it plummeted down into a fireball. That one wasn't getting away again. He then realised the F-14D was on his tail. He keyed the radio on the frequency Keynote had given him.

Mobius 1

The Terminator had taken out one of the red aircraft, but the Tomcat had started tailing him. Suddenly, the static was interrupted. <<Take out my tail kid>> the pilot of the Su-37 called while throwing his plane through some heavy evasive manoeuvres. Mobius decided that now wasn't the time to question how he had gotten the ISAF radio frequency, so he pulled the Raptor into sandwich the F-14D. A solid missile tone filled his ears as he released two QAAMs. He watched, as the Tomcat got hit and still continued to fly. Locking on again, he repeated the motion but with four missiles this time. It was probably overkill, but it was worth it to make sure the plane was down. <<Nice work>> the Su-37 called as he pulled up alongside the F-22. Mobius finally got a good look at his plane. It was mainly white, but with splashes of purple and blue all over in an uncoordinated pattern. On the vertical stabilisers, was a Firebird. It was then that Mobius realised who he was flying with. <<Pleasure to fly with you Mobius 1, Scarface 1 Phoenix breaking off>> Phoenix saluted as he flew off towards the south. Suddenly the main channel flared to life again as the voice of Sky Eye once again came through the radio link. <<AWACS Sky Eye calling Mobius 1>>. Mobius reached the transmitter. <<I'm here Sky Eye>> <<Well where have you been>> <<Two bandits down, they were jamming>>. A sigh echoed on the other end. <<Roger, Mobius 1 rtb>>. Mobius banked his Raptor, and headed back towards the San Salvacion airbase. And as he flew off, he swore he saw the Su-37 waggle its wings. Mobius repeated the gesture in reply. After that fight, he needed to sleep.

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