Chapter 10: Lifeline

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Mobius 1

Two weeks had passed since the blockade operation. And one week since Halo Squadron was close to being wiped out by the Yellows. The atmosphere around the base was still subdued by the constant threat of the Aegir Fleet, called invincible by the Erusean media. It was still dark out at North Point and all over Usea. Mobius was in the hangar watching as Rebecca added the finishing touches to a new system she had added to the Raptor. She stepped out from under the wing, and beckoned Mobius over. She pointed to the panel and asked "So, what do you think?" Mobius tried to identify what it was but he was at a loss. "Am I supposed to know what this is?" Rebecca turned to him with a shocked expression. "This is a microwave radar system. I figured you'd like a bit more capability. Besides, the old set we used was a bit outdated." Mobius nodded, just as Sky Eye entered the hangar. "New mission my sometimes silent friend. Come on, they need you in the briefing." Mobius nodded and left Rebecca to add the last finishing touches, including a little personal touch to the vertical stabilisers.

All the pilots were in the room, and it reminded Mobius of his first sortie. He shook the memory and found a seat next to Omega 11. The following was almost routine by now. Lights dimmed, blue screen lit up and one old warbird with clipped wings walked to the front of the flock of new ones. "Comberth Harbour, home of the Aegir Fleet, is completely dependent on a single petrochemical complex for its fuel supply. The complex consists of a land based oil refinery/storage facility, and an offshore oil-drilling platform." Standard red and blue markers appeared as the warbird started up again. "Your mission is to go out and destroy, or at least damage, these sites. Our objective is to reduce output of this complex to 20% or less. By cutting off the port's fuel supply, we will delay and disrupt the combat deployment of the Aegir Fleet." He paused and looked around at the faces. He remembered when he had been in their shoes. His last fight was 7 years ago. "I know it's a tall order, but I wouldn't have given you this mission if I didn't think you could handle it." The lights came back on and the pilots filed out. Hushed whispers were exchanged about the operation. Mobius shared a quick fist bump with Omega 11 before the two separated for their own hangars.

The Raptor was being loaded just as Mobius entered. They had only just gotten word about what the mission was. Rebecca was berating the ordnance techs to move faster. Mobius saw what they were loading. XSDBs, a godsend for his air to ground capability. Rebecca saw him and gestured. "Sidewinders and XSDBs, plus a little surprise on the stabilisers". He gave the aircraft one look around before stopping when he came to the aforementioned part of the F-22. Painted on both of them, was the insignia of the 118th Tactical Fighter Wing. The blue Mobius Strip circling around the continent of Usea. Mobius just stood there. Rebecca came up and spoke again. "Hope you like it, I did the paintjob myself." Mobius turned and watched her. She was nervous, unsure if he liked being reminded of the legacy of the patch or happy. "Thank you" was all Mobius said before climbing into the cockpit. He started up the engines and went onto the tarmac. Sky Eye was airborne already with all the others. The ground crew watched the Raptor roll forwards, admiring the new paint on the stabilisers. The tarmac was soon filled with the noise of twin engines as Mobius rolled down and into the sky. The gear retracted as Rebecca watched from the ground. Slowly, she turned and went back to her corner and activated an air to ground receiver she had patched in to listen to the missions. Now all she and the others could do was wait.

The massive horde of jets crossed the coast 3 minutes away from the target. Mobius 1 was at the front of it along with several others. <<Commence operation. Split into two groups and destroy targets>> Sky Eye came on the radio with his instructions. The massive flock started to break up and engage freely. Mobius and his group went for the land based facility. The weapons bay on the underside of the Raptor opened as the standard engagement callouts filled the airwaves. Mobius thumbed the release several times and 4 XSDBs popped out before the weapons bay closed again. Several explosions could be seen as the bombs hit the oil tanks. They exploded into flames, and the force of the explosion threw the flames all over the area. More bombs also landed, destroying valuable refining equipment and more storage. AA rounds started flying up from the ground but Mobius and the others were able to escape from their trajectory before they impacted. SAMs were also starting to fire, their trails and the subsequent flares used to avoid them lighting up the early morning sky. Mobius lined up the Raptors nose on one of the guns and let loose his cannons. He saw the impacts hit the gun crew, and the few survivors abandoned the position. Omega 11 followed up by releasing two High speed Anti-Radiation Missiles on two SAMs. The missiles streaked through and detonated, detonating the launchers and leaving only charred metal and black smokestacks. Other planes continued the attack for the next 5 minutes before Sky Eye once again came over their radios. <<Refinery destroyed, move on to the drilling complex and damage what you can.>> Several acknowledgements came over the radio as Mobius started steering his F-22 towards the platform. An ISAF plane started its run and Mobius watched the released bomb impact on a crane, causing it to fall into the sea. Selecting his XSDBs once again, Mobius targeted the structural supports with his onboard system. Once he got a confirmation beep, he thumbed the trigger. Four fin stabilised munitions fell out and glided onto their targets. The resulting explosions destroyed the supports, and the platform toppled into the sea. As it fell several oil barrels toppled open and spilled into the water. This oil was then set alight by Halo 4 strafing with his cannons. The battle stopped as the darkness was once again lit by a consequence of the attack. <<Those poor bastards>> came from Halo 4's radio link and Mobius couldn't help but nod. Slowly but surely, the platforms were completely destroyed. After the last one had been sent toppling by Viper 2, Sky Eye came over the radio. <<5 aircraft approaching the ao at Mach 2.>> One of the ISAF planes turned to investigate, and radioed back a call no one wanted to hear.

<<Tally ho on the bogeys. There's 5 Yellows!>>

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