Follow the Screams

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Hours later, the plane landed in San Diego, California. Meanwhile, A large convoy of limousines pulled into the InGen Waterfront Complex. The board of directors and several investors had arrived to hear a speech by Peter Ludlow. A few news journalists also were invited to attend.

Ludlow: Fifteen years ago, John Hammond had a dream. Like John himself, the dream was grand, it was outsized. It was bold. It was impractical. It was...not to be. Well, half an hour from now, John Hammond's dream, reimagined, will come true. For one-hundredth the cost of building a destination resort thousands of miles away...

Simon, Malcolm and Sarah arrived at a guard shack in Malcolm's 1936 Ford convertible..

Simon: Hiya, is this the Ludlow affair?

Guard: Um, I'm sorry, this is private property.

Ian: No, we're on the list.

Guard: You have to turn around, get back in your car and get out of here.

Ian: This is Dr. Harding. I'm Dr. Malcolm and this is my ward Simon Sattler.

Guard: That's nice.

He began to shut a gate.

Sarah: We have Ludlow's test results.

Simon: We have good news and we have bad news.

The guard, continued to shut the gate, ignoring Simon, Malcolm and Sarah.

Ludlow: Tonight we'll christen Jurassic Park: San Diego...with a mega-attraction that will drive turnstile to rival any amusement park in the world.

Ludlow noticed a couple and a teenager in the background trying to talk to one of the guards.

Ludlow: I want to thank you for being intrepid enough to turn up in the wee, small hours of the morning.

A bald-headed man walked up to Ludlow and whispered into his ear.

Bald man: The ship, it's here.

Ludlow: It's early?

Bald Man:'d better come along.

Ludlow: It's so exciting!

Ludlow followed the man. Ludlow turned to a guard,

Ludlow: You see that lost looking family?

Guard: Sir.

Bald man: Sir, you need to look at this.

Ludlow: Let them see this up close.

Guard: Yes, sir, Mr. Ludlow.

Ludlow followed the man into the InGen Waterfront Complex building.

Man: Let me check.

A man looks at a U.S.N.D. an invention by InGen.

Man: I want a direct line to the coast guard right now.

Bald man: Look. That's their signal: Venture 5888. They're headed into port, but I can't raise them.

Ludlow: Try again.

The man picked up a radio microphone,

Harbor master: Skipper, S.S. Venture, this is InGen Harbor Master. Do you copy? Over.

No one responded.

Harbor master: Skipper, S.S. Venture, you are approaching the breakwater at flank speed. Reduce at once. Over.

The guard came up the pier with Simon, Malcolm and Sarah. Several InGen workers turned their heads upon hearing a distant rumbling. In the Waterfront Complex building, the head security guard took a radio microphone.

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