The intern Riley Sattler

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Masrani: But he's also a close friend to the Hammond family. I want you to bring him and his intern in. Let them inspect the paddock. Maybe they can see something we can't.

Transits to a quiet jungle area until 80's music began to play echoing through the area.

(Play at 1:05)
Suddenly, a pig runs past, squealing with fright. Suddenly, it gets through a gate, and it closes. We see a raptor claw tapping impatiently.

Owen: HOLD!

The velociraptors obediently comply. They abruptly pull to a halt. Where it pans upward to a teenager and grown man standing over the raptors.

Owen: Hey! Okay!

He presses a clicker

Owen: Eyes on me! Blue? Blue!

He clicks the button as the raptors snap back at them.

Owen: Watch it. Charlie. Hey! Don't give me that shit!

Riley: Delta! Lock it up!

Delta snaps at him as the music still played, the raptor tail started to shake back and forth.

Riley: Okay so you like The Romantics. Good! And we're moving.

They moves to where a basket hangs from a railing.

Riley: HOLD!

Owen: That's good. That is damn good.

He presses the clicker.

Owen: Very good! See, Charlie, that's what you get!

He throws bait to Charlie, who promptly snatches it from the air.

Owen: Echo, there you go!

Owen throws more bait at Echo. Riley then tossed one to Delta.

Riley: Delta!

Owen: Blue? This one's for you.

He throws the bait and Blue snatches it.

Owen: HOLD! Eyes up! Go.

The Raptors scatter. On the platform above, hands are shaken and cheers heard. Barry approaches Riley and Owen.

Barry: You finally did it, man.

Riley: About time.

Barry: So has Delta found a new tune?

Riley: Talking in Your Sleep by the Romantics. It's a step up from Kate Bush.

Barry: I've always been a fan of Lionel Richie.

Owen: I was hoping she'd like Redbone.

Vic Hoskins appears.

Hoskins: I'm more of an Elvis type of guy haha.

Barry and Riley just looked at Hoskins with a straight face not finding his joke funny at all, while he turns his attention to Owen.

Hoskins: Owen. I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you both got them eating out of your palms.

Owen: You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending.

Hoskins: Is that why you're both not sending in your reports?

Owen: We've been busy.

Hoskins: Not too busy to cash your paychecks. While the kid not too busy to apply to Harvard or Yale.

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