Sweet Child O' Mine

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While Roland and Ajay, along with the assistance of two wranglers, captured the infant Tyrannosaur, the infant had fractured its leg. The group fled the nest quickly. Roland and Ajay then tied the infant down to the ground, while they waited in a tree for the buck to be attracted to the infant's cries of pain.

Later that night, in a nearby clearing, Ludlow's hunters had set up base camp, comprised of the vehicles, several tents, a mess tent, and another tent where Peter Ludlow would be giving a presentation. Nearby the encampment, several dinosaurs were in cages. Meanwhile, Malcolm's team, meanwhile, snuck up onto a hill to observe the men.

Ian: This is why Hammond was in such a hurry to get you here. He knew they were coming.

Eddie: My God, they are well organized. Those are some major league toys.

Ian: Eddie, maybe I should ask to use their mobile radio telephone.

Kelly: So they actually want to build another park here, after what you said happened on the other island?

Simon: They're not building anything. They are taking these animals outta here, back to the mainland.

Nick: Oh, I think I should tell you guys. Hammond told me these people might show up. I thought we'd be finished by the time they got started. But in case we weren't, he did send a backup plan.

Nick pulled out two pair of bolt cutters.

Sarah: What backup plan?

Nick: Me. I need your help Simon.

He tosses the second pair to him which he caught. As it cuts back to Peter Ludlow who had a telescreen set up in the presentation tent that showed various InGen board members. A man had a video camera that was set up to a machine that displayed on the InGen board's telescreen.

Inside the tent was a small diorama of a building that was shaped like a mountain with a coliseum in the center. There were also two caged Compsognathuses on a table.

Ludlow: Simply put, InGen is seeking limited partners to defray some of our expansion costs. The prospectus you've been given by the board explicitly details our projected hardware and construction expenses. And as you can see by my two friends here with me tonight-

Ludlow gestured to the Compys as they chittered at him.

Ludlow: the artificial revivification process is already fully developed. One might say, it'd be up and running. In a moment, I'll take you on a stroll through the camp, and you'll see some of the larger and more impressive specimens.

Nick: Wow.

As it cuts to him, Simon and Sarah sneaking into the camp to were the captured dinosaurs were being held. They saw an adult Stegosaurus, thought they weren't sure if it was one of the ones they saw earlier in the day. Simon looked over at Nick who nods as he went and removed a steel rod from the door lock. The door cracked open a bit.

Ludlow: But you don't bring people halfway around the world to visit a zoo. You bring the zoo to them. San Diego is the perfect set. People already associate her beautiful city with famous attractions: San Diego Zoo, San Diego Padres, the San Diego Natural History Museum.

Simon, Sarah and Nick quickly unlocked cages containing an infant Triceratops, another containing a juvenile Pachycephalosaurus, a cage containing a juvenile Stegosaurus, and a fourth cage containing an adult Triceratops.

Simon: Okay... let's do this.

It cuts back to Ludlow still doing his presentation.

Ludlow: Mr. Hammond knew this. Before he ever dreamt of an island, he began construction on an amphitheater very near to where you are sitting at the InGen waterfront complex. But he abandoned it, in favor of something far...grander...and ultimately, impossible. And so, the facility sits unused, unfinished, when it could be completed and ready to receive visitors in less than a month.

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