Chapter 13

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The Nocturn Pearl

One week and four days later

The streets are oddly quiet tonight: the only thing I can hear is the sound of my steps on the cold asphalt.

I've decided to go out on a walk tonight: it's been a while since I've last gone out for a few steps, just to breathe some fresh air and to stretch a little.

During these days, I managed to find a book at the local library that effectively managed to teach me something about hacking: I knew that I would have not found - unluckily - something specifically about hacking, hence I had to search something about data and programming. And it turns out, although I still have a long way to go, that I actually have managed to learn something :)

I've been having my eyes on that book about data and coding for almost a week without ever stopping: while reading, I often don't acknowledge the passing of time, and sometimes I don't even realise when it is time to go to sleep and so on, to the point that dark circles are starting to develop under my eyes. I feel like I'm being brought back to my old school days when I had to study for exams. Heh, surely a lot of time has passed.

And I've also managed to download the safety key's programme in Jake's phone: I obviously can't stay in my motel room forever, and knowing that I would have had to go out sometimes, I decided to download the programme on his phone to feel more at ease. Although I always bring with me Jake's phone, I still don't trust anyone at the moment being, and I try as hard as I can not to let anybody inside my room, not even the ones working for the motel's cleaning service.

And just to be sure, I downloaded the programme on my phone as well: who knows if someone will try to attack me, and although Nym-0s should still be on, I am kinda afraid that it won't properly protect me, since Jake has disappeared. His pursuers might still think that Jake is with me, and if that was the case, they would probably try to hack my phone once again.

Now that I think about it...a month has now passed ever since the whole mine event. I can't help but wonder...what are his pursuers planning? Jake could have made a move during this time, but I, nor Hannah or Lilly, didn't hear anything from him: yeah, I have his phone, but him being him, he must know some other way of contacting us.

And yet, I haven't heard from him ever since that...

I rub my eyes, trying to wake up a little bit: it's night after all. I should be sleeping instead of being here, wandering around.

I'm probably two kilometres away from the motel: I've reached an isolated alleyway, with closed shops and other activities on each side of the road. As of now, it's pretty silent, and it would be completely silent if it wasn't for the muffled sound of rock music coming from the end of the road.

I walk towards the direction of the sound, as I create small clouds of mist while breathing: it's kinda cold here outside.

I finally reach in a minute the door of whatever is producing the music. I look up, and see a neon sign with the words "The Nocturn Pearl".

A nightclub, huh...?

I have to admit, I'm kinda tempted to enter the club: it's been a while since I last drank something - and it didn't really end well for the bartender...heh - I might as well enter and drink something, being careful enough not to end up drunk and unable to return to the motel with all of my four limbs.

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