Indecent Proposal (Alpha colony)

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The underground colony was thriving, all thanks to its mining operation. Be it steel, plasteel or uranium, the ores were abundant and trading it eventually lead to the miners to dig deeper, taking less precautions on potential bug incursions. Greed and over confidence were quite the deadly cocktail. Unfortunately for the colonists, the dormant bugs beneath the surface weren't fond of the noise from their neighbors from above. Insectoids were usually a mild inconvenience for mountain dwellers, but this time, it was different.

They dug their way up to confront the unsuspecting colony, their scratching noises becoming louder and louder as they approached. Like a relentless force of nature, they burst out of the steel reinforced floors and poured out of their nests in an endless wave or raging bugs. These insects weren't of insignificant size as the smallest ones were the size of large dogs. After all, the ancients genetically modified them to become organic machines of war.

Although, the colony was experienced in dealing with bug incursions and they immediately followed the drill of getting in choke points to nullify the number advantage: three melee fighters to hold back the horde, and three shotgunners in the back to shoot down the nearest bugs. It was the standard strategy and it worked for a while, but the accumulated injuries were too much as the number of defenders dwindled down, either from mind shattering pain, or from blood loss. Those who fell we trampled by the insect horde, which was more preoccupied with destroying the most immediate threat: those who could stand and fight.

The mining base used to be bustling with activity, from the miners digging in the deepest depth of the mountain, to the logistic crew that worked tirelessly to organize the transport of their goods. Most of them were professionals and had been desensitized from the horror of the frontier. And so,  from a 20-strong colony, they were reduced to six individuals who took their last stand in the armory. There was no time to reload and every gun that had its ammo spent was thrown on the ground and a new one was picked up, be it assault rifle, light machine gun, or shotgun. The thought of using a molotov was brought up, but quickly dismissed as it would trap the survivors into a blazing inferno in no time. They were trapped in the deepest point of the mountain, there was no escape.

Price, who was repelling the onslaught, had his arms torn out by the unending horde. He was usually standing tall and carried an imposing presence with his broad shoulders, but right now, he was kneeling in disbelief at his lack of arms. The pain was too much and he dropped on the floor in the ever growing pool of human and insect blood. On the other hand, Crink didn't have the time to register that his comrade was downed, as insects lunged at him with murderous intents. He used to be the silence enforcer, making sure that the tasks were done and that the rare prisoners would behave. His screams were drowned in the sound of enraged bugs.

Alpha, who was always stoic even in the most dire situation, cracked. Behind her stood Seth, and with a nervous smile, she proposed to him. Her voice trembled, her words barely audible over the skittering insects. "Would you be my husband until death do us apart?" she uttered, with beads of sweats running down her forehead.

The man bluntly rejected her offer by shaking his head with unfocused eyes. He didn't know what to think, he couldn't allow himself to think. He was only focused on what was in front of him. And what was in front of Seth was a wave death. He was known for no-nonsense attitude and would often go out hunting games in his ghillie suit. So in a way, Seth was still true to himself, even in the face of death. Alpha had a faint smile, at least she wasn't going out with regrets in her heart. She chuckled at the absurdity of their predicament before focusing on trying to survive.

Soon enough, the survivors were swallowed by the swarm of bugs whose mindset was to slash and stab. Out of this once flourishing mining base, none were left alive. Those who didn't die on the spot were left bleeding on the floor as the insects began destroying and tearing apart the colony's infrastructure. Eventually, the beasts broke some machinery that sparked some flames. It quickly lead to a fire breaking out, its scorching heat even melted steel walls, devouring flammable furniture, and erasing the existence of the deceased colonists. None were left to mourn, and none could mourn.

When the insects left, none could tell that people once lived there. The only traces that humans once occupied this place was the blood stained walls and floors. In the end, there was only blood and ashes.

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