A City of Jade : Deadly Gamble

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The colony had heard rumors of an abandoned city made out of jade. The colony wasn't in a great state and needed money to buy the necessary materials to repair the walls and defensive turrets.

Either because of greed or curiosity, an expedition was sent to the rumored place.

They arrived in the evening, confirming that the rumors were true. And yet something felt amiss. Why would these jade ruins be left untouched?

As soon as the sun disappeared under the horizon, the reason came out of the buildings. Immense insects emerged, dwarfing the expedition members. Team leader Martin would have been more confident if their melee specialist, Damin, was with them, but she was on maternity leave at that time. She was a specialist in dealing with foes bigger than her, but the Martin had been too confident in his own capacities.

They fended off the beast, but not without casualties. Half of them got wiped out, their dying screams echoing in the night, their faces distorted by the pain and the light from the flames and the flares. Cin, the paramedic, was desperately trying to tend to the wounded, but his hands couldn't help shaking as he heard the sound of incoming death. The chittering and screeching of the fast approaching monsters.

They survived until the sunrise. Martin was devastated and sent most of the survivors back with the corpse of the fallen. With a couple of people left, he began deconstructing the city of jade. Slowly, but surely, the ruins disappeared.

Their sacrifice wasn't in vain. Or was it?

 Or was it?

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