Chapter Seven

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Eddie's POV


Richie was in an allyway, 3:00AM.
I was hiding behind a wall, watching.

"So, what is it this time?"
I heard from Rich.

"I think you know already, just wrap it in that tarp and follow me."
The shitty voice changer guy again.

"Damnit, do I have to touch it?"


Richie then went behind the dumpster and I lost sight of him.

That the fuck?

"Richie stay here. I'll be back."
The killer looked in my direction, making my heart speed up.

"Why? Something wrong?"

"Someones here."

Fuck, fuck fuck.

"What do you mean someone's here? What the fuck?"

"Shut the fuck up. I'm going to go check."

I was already ten feet away, now bolting for my bike, that I left somewhat far away, I didn't want it to make any noise.

That was so fucking close, I got on my bike and rode off, why was Richie there? Why did he have blood on his clothes? This is so bad.


The next day, at school


"Hey Eds!"

I turned around, Richie was standing there, a big grin across his face.

I could feel my face go pale, but I ignored it as well as I could.

"Hey Rich."

"Are you ok? You're starting to look like shit, even more than me!"

"Shut up, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Richie's face went completely white.

"You know, don't you?" He whispered, I pretend to not hear.


"Nothing, Eds. Lets just get to class."


Richie's POV


Well shit, Eddie probably knows.

I should tell the shitty voice changer guy, I don't even know what his name is, which is good for his saftey, I guess.

But I'll have to wait for that.

I turned my head to the window, it was bright outside.

The fire alarm went off, making everyone jump, the loud beeps sent everyone into a panic, getting up as the teacher directed us to the door.

"Oh shit, wonder what happened?"
I said, looking at Eddie as we left class.

"Yeah, weird. Really weird."

"Hopefully theres no actual fire."
We were outside now.

There was indeed, an actual fire. It was fucking huge, everyone around us was saying it started three classes away from ours.

Which is weird, because Stan and Bill have that class.

Were they being stupid and lit a fire on accident, probably. 

Eddie pulled out his inhalor, taking a breath.

"Eds don't worry, Bill and Stan probably just lit a fire on accident, they're fine."

"Stans not here today, Rich."


"So unless Bill did it, which I don't think he would, then- then this is bad."

"No shit."

Everyone in the school was outside by now, we spotted Bill, he looked shocked.

"Bill? You ok? What happened?"
I asked.

"O-On Stans s-seat there w-was a match and i-it just lit u-up. I a-almost got b-burnt, I don't k-know how a f-fucking match c-could cause t-this."
He responded.

"Stan isn't here today, though.. What the fuck?"

"What if its," Eddie paused and took another breath of his inhalor, "The killer?"

"You think the killer tried to burn down our school? No way he could've pulled that off."

Our eyes drifted to the clearing on the side, there was the shitty voice changer guy.

"Should we go over to him?"
I asked, Eddie shook his head.

"Y-Yeah, l-lets go."

As we got closer we realized he was holding a match, just like the one Bill said was on Stans seat today.

"It was him, this is bad, we should go back."
Eddie said, I disagreed and we continued.

"Welcome back, Rich."

"Shut your mouth up, what the fuck?"

"What do you mean? I thought you said you hated this school?"

"I do, but what the fuck you can't just burn it down! Thats a low move even for you."

"Do you want to die?"

"You know you wouldn't kill me, you haven't all this time."

"Whats stopping me from killing you right now?"

"Yeah, what is stopping you? The fact that my friends are here? The fact that they might find out that-"

A sharp pain entered my stomach. He stabbed me.

I looked down, blood everywhere, my vision got blurry as I felt my legs weaken, and I fell to the ground, on my back.

"W-What the h-hell? I-I'm gonna go g-get someone, E-Eddie, stay h-here."
I heard Bill say.

"Last night. It was you, wasn't it?"
I said, my voice quiet and shakey.

"You saw me?"

"No, I just got the feeling. I was right."

"So you're working with the fucking killer? That the fuck Richie!"

I could tell the killer left already, I tried opening my eyes, but it was blurry.

"I don't want to, don't tell anyone, I don't want to do this anymore.."
My voice trailed off as I felt myself getting weaker.

"Richie, Richie wake up, Richie!"
That was the last thing I heard before I fell unconcious.



I need more suspense xdfcgvhbjukhgvfcd

Anyways update soon I hope byeeee


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