Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: HAPPY GAY MONTH !! As a gay man I feel very gay


Richie's POV


"What the hell!"
I yell out, the bed I was on felt stiff and the lights were dim. 

As I had just woken up, my eyes felt heavy, but my heart was racing.

Where am I?
Oh, right. The hospital.

Where are the others?

I quickly got up, feeling how cold the floor really was. The air was stale and chilling, it felt like a dream.

Maybe I'm just extremely drowzy.
I pinch myself on the arm, and wince at the pain.

No, no. I'm alive.
Unfortunetely, I am not dreaming this time.

I call out, no response.

Stumbling to the door, I open it, hearing the small creak coming from it, and nothing else.

There were no people outside of the room, no doctors, no nurses, no people.
No one.

Taking a few steps into the silent, dark hallway, I call out again.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"
I looked around as I felt a sharp pain in my left arm. 
Looking down I could tell, the burn was getting worse.

"Ouch, fuck!"
I yelped out, keeping my arm close to my body.


My arm is now the least of my concerns. Someone else is here.

"Richie, come here."

"What? Where? Hello?"
At first, I couldn't tell who was speaking. 


A tall man with a white mask and a black hoodie appeared from around the corner, his eyes smiling at me.

I curse under my breath, taking a step back in horror as he took a step forward.

"What? You look a little scared there, Richie."

I close my eyes, keeping them shut, so much that it hurt.

This isn't real, this isn't real. 
It can't be.

"Richie? You ok?"
Eddie, it was Eddie.

I open my eyes to be greated by everyone, they were watching me as I felt tears enter my eyes.
I wiped them away.

"I'm fine, what happened?"
What the hell.

Did I just hallucinate?
No, no he.. He's getting in my head, I'm getting paranioa or something.

Theres no other explination.

"You just stumbled out of your room- You look pale as fuck, I'll go get a nurse."
Eddie said, walking away as the others had concern all over their faces.

"I'm fine."
I say again, only less convincing this time.

Looking to my right, I could see a long hallway, the lights were on, so bright it hurt my eyes. There were also lots, and I mean, lots, of people.

I turned my head and looked to the left, Stan.

He was with a couple of police officers, and they were talking to the front desk.

He was still in the black hoodie from before, except he had a small burn on the bottom of his face.

Did I cause that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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