Chapter Thirteen

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The Killers POV


As the smoke filled my lungs, I coughed, feeling lightheaded.
I could feel a small part of my mask burn off, melting to the ground as I kept my head down.

I pulled it off quickly, grabbing the edges so my fingers dont get hurt.

Getting up and staring through the window, I could see the others running away.

Richie looked back and spotted me, his eyes going wide, almost as quickly as he looked back, he turned around, going with the rest into the forest.

Dodging the flames surrounding me, I ran outside the wide open door, letting myself collapse into the cool air of the night.

I put my mask back on, as it has cooled down.
I'm not dead yet.


Richie's POV


He's alive.

I watched him walk out, but I can't tell the others, we're already calling the police, they'll take him away for sure.

Just act calm.

Eddie was calling the police in the phone box, the rest of us were outside of it.

I could hear him say, "Ok, yeah, we'll wait right here, ok bye," Before he came out, looking scared.

"The police are coming soon, so are some ambulences."

"Ambulences? Why?"

"They were scared we got hurt."

My face went cold when I realized something.
Stans alive, and the police could find him, and think I tried to kill him.

I'll be fucked.
Then they'll find out everything I did, all the people I was forced to kill, everything.

"No, no this isn't good."

Bill asked.

"They'll.. Uh.. Find Stans dead body- And they'll think one of us killed him."
Keep calm.

"We'll be fine, they'll just suspect that he died in the fire."
Mike said, and I would agree with him, if I didn't lie about the situation.

"Yeah, ok, yeah."
I couldn't calm down, I know he's still alive, I'm going to get turned in..


Noticing how saying 'I' is becoming a personality trait of mine, I realize how selfish I really am.

I only care about myself.
Maybe Stan was right, maybe everything is just, a consequence of my actions.
Maybe I should have died in that fire.

"Hey, Richie? You ok?"
Eddie put his hand on my shoulder and looked up at me, concern spreading across his face.

"I'm fine."
I say, looking back at him.

"So, are you guys like, dating now?"
Bev asked.

I looked at her, she smiled.

"We all heard Eddie's confession, we were right there."

Feeling myself start to blush, I looked away, "Fuck off."

They all laughed as Eddie just stared at me, red in the face.

"S-So, we w-wait here until t-the p-police get h-here? Or.."
Bill said.

"Yeah, and then they'll bring us to the hospital while the fire department goes to Bills house."
Eddie replied, taking his eyes off of me.

Bill nodded and we stood in silence, the cool air of dawn starting to arive.
I'm so scared.


When The Police Get There


Being transported to the hospital was weird.
It didn't feel like last time.
It felt.. Weirder.

Apparentally, I had a huge burn on my arm, but I just couldn't feel it due to the shock of it all.
They had each person in a different car, so I don't know how the rest of them are.

"We're gonna put you under until you get to the hospital, ok? The burn is pretty severe and we can help heal it right now, but it'll hurt, so we need you under."
The doctor said, I nodded, letting the air go into my lungs.

I'm going to let myself be calm before I get turned in.


The Killers POV, when the police get there


"Who are you?"
The police called out, I was now sitting in the front lawn, and I was awake.

"They left me here."
I choked out, trying to sound upset. It worked.

"Oh, well the kids who called never mentioned someone still inside the house. Come on, we'll take you to the hospital as well."

Hiding my mask under a tree, I follow the police to a car, getting in and staring at the window.

I'm not done yet.



I said I was gonna show art but I'll do that in my journal thing later today I promise-




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