Chapter Nine

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Richie's POV


"What the fucks that supposed to mean?"
I whispered, keeping my eyes on the phone.

"Time's-a-ticking, Tozier. Get them all here."

Me? Why just me? 
I'm not the only one going through this.

I guess I am.

"I'll go too."
Eddie said, standing up.

I stood up as well, looking at him.

"No! I have to do this alone, you can't come with, you'll get fucking killed!"

"No, Richie, let me do this-"

Before he could even finish I was running out of the house, not being able to get Stans smile out of my head.

It felt like he knew something, something I didn't know.

I don't want to think about what that could be, I ran through the forest, getting caught in around twenty spider webs every second, this is a short cut.

My head started to spin slightly as it started to rain, making me pick up the pace, pushing past any brush in my way, keeping my head up.

I can't let them down.
I can't let him down.
Not now.
He'll kill me.

"Fuck- A phone box!"
I said outloud, running to an empty phone box, and picking it up, dialing in Bens number.


"Richie, It's Richie, get over, Bills house, now."

I hung up and dialed Mike's number, I said the same thing.

My vision was fading in and out as I tried to step back into the forest line, feeling instantly nauseous as I could see what was there.

A note.

It was placed neatly on top of a bush, the same bush that Eddie had spotted the dead body, somewhat of a while back.

"Richie. I knew you'd be here. And so am I, well, not here right now. I know what you're doing. You can't save them, Richie, no matter how hard you try. Does it hurt? Knowing you can't save them all? I hope it does, you're going to lose, and I hope you crash hard. This is no game, lives are on the line. But, you would know the severity of this situation, wouldn't you? You know this all too well.
Better hurry, they're in danger.
-You're friend :)"

What does he mean they're in danger?

How did he get there so fast? What does he mean 'your friend'?

It wasn't my fault.
It wasn't.

I began to feel hot tears streaming down my face, unable to move for a few minuets as I studied the paper.

He must really dislike me.
Bowers? Could Bowers be the killer? No, not him. Henry? Patrick? No, no no. It doesn't feel right, none of those names do, this person, the killer, he knows too much. 

They're in danger.
They're in danger, why am I just standing around?

Starting to run again, I fled to Bills house, seeing that Mike and Ben were already there.

"What are we here for?"
Ben asked.

Oddly, the voice didn't speak.

It sounded pre-recorded.

"Come on, come on, speak!"
Shouting at the phone didn't work.

I fell back, mostly out of exhaustion, the rest out of just pure and utter fear.

"Times up! If you haven't brought them back, we'll meet tonight."
Although I knew what he meant, I didn't want to.

"If you have, then, the game will begin. Continue what you were doing previously. This will continue throughout the night. Be ready for the best night of your lives."

The phone cut out.

"What were you guys doing?"
Mike asked.

"Figuring out who the killer was."
Eddie said, now pacing around the room.

"So, lets see.." Beverly started, "Like we said before, its probably Bowers."

Bowers? We never agreed on that.

Eddie said, they all seemed to get it except me.

"What? Bowers?"
I asked.

"Y'know what, Richie isn't seeming to remember, Bill, Eddie, lets go talk."
She said, and we all left to Bills spare bedroom.

"Ok, what the fuck? We never agreed on Bowers being the guy."

"No, we didn't. I know. But you know who we did suspect?"
She asked.

Eddie answered in a soft, quiet, yet terrified voice.

"Oh. Right. Yeah, so, we aren't saying it cause we don't want him to get suspicious or..?"
It can't be him. He's my best friend, It's not him, It can't be.

"E-Exactly, w-we can't s-say anything. N-Not yet a-at least."
Bill said.

I heard Ben scream from downstairs, oh no.

"What! You ok?"
I yelled back, running , basically flying downstairs, almost tripping on my own feet.

He pointed at the TV, which was only flashing one word, it didn't seem to be in English.


I could already tell this'll be a night I'll never forget.
And I'm not saying thats a good thing.



Anyways, I said I had a special suprise for ya'll! AND I DO!

I made art of the silly lil fanfiction here!!!!!! So Im posting it here!!!!!!!


The one with the white mask and all black is "The Killer" and the one next to him is Richie, and the shortest one is Eddie!

I hope you like it! This is how I imagined my characters!

Love you all, update soon!


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