Chapter Ten

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A/N: Any good theories ya'll come up with? Honestly, I love it when you guys get invested in the plot and lore, I LOVE IT, THANK YOU!


Richie's POV


"Does anyone know what that means?"
I yelled, trying to stay calm.

It wasn't working.

Nobody answered back, so I took that as a no.

"O-Ok, I t-think I know w-what to d-do."
Bill said, unplugging the TV, he gasped slightly.

I asked, walking next to him

"T-The TV, it's been m-messed with."

I looked, yeah, the wires looked fucking tampered with, and not even in a 'some of it looks broken' way.
Fully, brand new wires were placed in it.

"Who could've done this? I mean- I mean who could've gone back here and fucking replaced this shit?" I took a shakey breath in, "Unless."

I looked at Stan, his eyes widened and he smiled, it wasn't really a smile, though, more of a grin. A horrible, cold grin.

The blood on his shoes, the way he smiled, the match on his seat, him not being there for the first call, him being able to get into the house to replace the wires, the killers hight matching his.

It all added up to well.
Too damn well.

"I d-don't know. W-We should s-split up. S-Stan, B-Bev, Mike, B-Ben and I w-will go look o-outside i-incase he's o-out there. Eddie and R-Richie, you g-guys should check t-the house, ok?"
Bill said.

My face was a pale white, I could tell.

"Why just Eddie and I with the house?"

"B-Because you g-guys know this s-situation t-the best. I-If we get h-hurt outside w-we'll have more p-people to defend ourselves, b-but you guys a-are smart."

I sighed, nodding, "Okay. Fine, you guys go, Eddie, c'mon lets check the attic first."

"At least its not the basement."
He muttered, looking as scared as he sounded.

The trip up there was silent, but we could hear our hearts beat out of our own chests.

Bill and the others had left outside, Stan gave me the most gut turning grin as he left.
I don't like how its all adding up.

"Who do you think it actually is?" Eddie broke the silence.

"Um. Who do you think it is?"
I asked back, I don't want to look weird.

"I.." He sighed, "I don't really know, I'm torn between Stan and Bowers. I mean, Bowers could fuckin' kill anyone if he really wanted to, just think about it Rich, for a second-"

He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked behind him, a box was on the ground.

A note on top, I ran over and picked it up, reaing it out loud.

"Keep an eye, or rather, ear out. 
-You're friend :)"

Eddie openned the box, I took a look inside, a single ear bud laid carefully on the bottom of the box. Eddie's face went pale.

I asked.

"This.. Type of ear bud is for listening in on other people's conversations. I once saw them in a spy kit on TV."
He said.

It clicked.
There's only one of them.
Where's the other one?

"The other one, oh fuck the other one! He must have it! The fucking- The fucking killer has it doesn't he? He's probably listening in on us right now! On me! He knows we know!"

He placed his hands on my shoulders and shook them, looking at me in the eyes.

"Richie, Rich, calm down! He can't hear us, there's no actual way he could hear us. And even if he could. How well could he hear?"

I looked back over to the earbud.

"Pretty well, I'm guessing."
I pointed at it, the earbud flashing a slight blue tint.

The shitty voice changer. I could tell it from a mile away, he was fucking talking through the earbud.


I grabbed Eddie's hand and ran down to the basement, not even bothering to close the attic.
There's no need.

"Richie what are you doing?"

"Basement, now!"

Letting go at the top of the basement stairs, I stared down, this is what he wants. Why do I keep giving in.

Why do I keep giving into this, into him?
I can't keep doing this.
But maybe this time, this time I can save everyone else, even if that means I die.

I have to.

I said, running down the stairs, turning on the semi-dim light, I took note of what I could see around me.

An old looking phone, possibly too old to be used. A bunch of junk and boxes, plus a few old flashlights. There were shelves going up near the ceiling.

"Look through the shelves, there has to be something here."

"How do you know he's just not lying?"

"He never lies."
I said, which means he was right, and I have to come to terms with it, no matter how long it takes or how much I hate the idea.

It was indeed, my fault, they all died. I killed them, I'm just as guilty as he is.
It was all my fault.
It was.
And I hate that it's true.
He didn't lie when he said I was selfish.

"Here! Richie, a note."

Running up to Eddie, I grabbed the note, again reading it out loud.

"Lets make this more fun, yeah Rich? You want to make this even better? Cause I do, this'll be a night you'll never forget. I'll make you remember this until the day you die. Nobody will believe you.
Your friend."

"What does he mean, 'Make it more fun'?"
Eddie asked, I shrugged.

The phone went off. The one down here.

I ran up to it, picking it up.


"R-Richie. We're o-out by a r-random phone b-box. S-Stan went m-missing. D-Did he go b-back there? Is h-he safe?"
Bill asked, thank god, it was just Bill.

"No, he's not here-"

The phone cut off, the line turning to static.

"I'll show you what it means to make this more fun."
A familiar voice called, the cracks in the voice changer making me cringe as I knew, who it was.

The blood drained from my face, I could tell.

I turned around, and there he was, standing right under the lightbulb, right in the middle of a random shelves aisle, the white mask clashing with the black clothes hurt my eyes in the darkness.

All of the sudden, I heard Eddie scream as the killer punched him, making him fall down to the ground, Eddie blacked out.

His eyes smiled as he let down his hood, keeping the mask on.

"Nobody will believe you, Richard."


1049 WORDS.

So, the killer finally showed himself, but not to us.

How we feelin after this chapter? Good? Shocked?

Update soon!!!! Love ya'll! 

This story is FAR, from over.
Good luck with the 1000000 chapters I'll make for this


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