"So this is your room?" Harry asked dropping my bags onto the floor.
"Yeah." I said sitting down on my bed for the first time in weeks
"This place is huge! Are you sure you're not a famous person?" He asked
"Yes I'm sure. Just because my house is big and my family is wealthy, doesn't mean I'm famous." I laughed
"Would you like something to drink?" I asked
"Sure. Can I have a water please?"
I went downstairs into my kitchen. There was another note from my parents.
Dear, Audrey
Your father and I just left for work
you are welcome to hang out with Harry here if you want. You have to make your own dinner tonight again. Sorry sweetheart.
Love, Mom and Dad
I sighed.
I never actually had a decent family dinner in years. But what ever.
I opened my fridge and found nothing good. Not even water. I slammed it shut in anger. Why can't I just have a happy family!?
"You alright?" Harry asked from the stairs.
"Yea, I guess."
"No you're not, come here." He said opening up his arms
When we were embraced it felt like I held the world in my arms. I never noticed how much Harry meant to me until now.
"Would you like to go to Starbucks with me. We could talk about it if you want." Harry asked
I looked down at the note.
"Yeah sure." I said crumbling up the note and tossing it in the trash as I made my way to the door.
Why did my life have to be so difficult. Harry is literally all I have. I have no boyfriend, No friends who actually care, and sadly I barely even have parents any more. I want to curl up in a ball and stay there for the rest of my life.
I hopped in the passenger side of Harrys car and slammed the door shut.
I heard the engine start and we started to make our way down a few blocks to my paradise. Starbucks.
I stared at the happy kids playing across the street. It made me think about how life was so carefree for me back then. I then look at Harry. I studied his features carefully. How is it possible for a human being to be so perfect. Curly hair, pink soft lips and an award winning smile. And somehow an angel sent him to me. I've been truly blessed to have him as my new best friend.
Harry swerved into a parking spot and we got out. When we entered the cafe I was immediately over whelmed by the smell of coffee beans. I love it here.
"Why don't you go pick a seat and ill get us something." Harry suggested
I just nodded and pick the unoccupied window table in the corner. I sat and playing with my hands.
I daydreamed about a perfect life until Harry came back and placed what smelled like 2 hot chocolates on the table. I took a sip of the scorching hot liquid as it burned down my throat as i carelessly ignored the pain.
"So Auddy. I know where just friends and all but I would really like to take you on a date. A friend date if you wanna call it. Are you up for it."
I practically choked on my drink.
"Um.. I uh.."
It took longer than expected to write this chapter. I'm pretty tired and I have to start homework so ill write some more later(:
Hope you like it.
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-Tina {@vas_happenin__bois IG}

Don't Forget About Me {Harry Styles}
FanfictionMy best friend Harry and I were inseparable. Were. It was the horrible, nasty thing that tore us apart, and that was Harry's career. I would've sworn that our friendship was meant to be. But it was time for him to go. What if's are my worst enemy. S...