"Audrey... Wake up. Today's the day!" Harry mumbled
My eyes slowly opened, and I saw a messy haired boy. Curls all in different places.
I sat up and wiped the morning crust out of my eyes and the drool down my cheeks.
"Help me make breakfast." I walked to the kitchen adjusting my shirt a bit.
Harry was happy to help me. I got out a package of bread, butter and juice.
"Please put this is the toaster." I handed Harry a few pieces of bread while I poured 2 glasses of juice
"I can't wait for my audition today." Harry smiled like a teenage girl
"It's today? I have school!" I groaned
"Don't worry. Your parents took you out for today. They were here early this morning and they dropped off donuts."
My parents really think everything can be better if they bring donuts. Like that will change how I fell about them.
I sighed
"Alright." I put the glasses on the counter and buttered the toast.
"You know, I'm really going to miss you... If I get to the next round."
"Harry, I know you'll be amazing." I smiled
My heart broke inside. Harry was leaving me. I know he's going to go to the next round.
"Well, the audition is at 10 and it's 7 so we should start getting ready. I'm gunna go back to my house and change, so ill be back at 8." Harry said putting his plate in the sink and grabbing his keys
I nodded putting my plate in the sink and running upstairs
My room was spotless. I don't remember cleaning it....
I picked out a Hawaiian themed crop top, light high waisted shorts and all black converse. I did my usual makeup; black eyeliner and mascara.
I curled the ends of my hair a bit.
I walked into my bathroom. The cold tile hit my feet. I shivered as I took my tooth brush with the white paste and brushed my teeth lightly. I looked into the mirror to see my face. All of my flaws stood out. It was like a horror film.
I finished brushing my teeth and slipped on my shoes. I got my wallet and my lucky necklace. I admired the gold locket that sparkled on my collar bones. Inside the locket was nothing. There was a pocket so I'd be able to put a picture in there. I'm waiting until I get married so I can put my one true love inside and keep it close to my heart as it dangles around my neck.
I heard a honk in the front of my house. There was Harry and his sister in the backseat and his mom driving. I smiled and ran down to the car.
"Hello Anne!" I greeted Harry's mom
"Hi darling. We're running a bit late so we need to get there quickly.
I looked over to Harry. His knee shaking slightly but he occupied himself with his headphones.
"Want a listen?" He asked holding up a headphone
I nodded taking it and wiggling in my ear until it fit right.
"I'm in trouble, I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this girl
She's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl
But even worse I can't stop calling her
She's all I want and more
I mean damn, what's not to adore?" I listened
"Oh my gosh! I love Christopher Drew!" I smiled
"Me too." He smiled back
"Are you excited." I asked
"Yeah, a bit nervous."
I took his hand and gave it a squeeze
"You'll be amazing I just know it. Don't doubt yourself."
His hands felt soft and a bit clammy. But REALLY soft. Easy to be obsessed with them.
"Thank you." He blushed turning away a bit
Harry entwined out fingers. We both smiled and I gave out a little giggle
"What you laughing at?"
"Nothing. You're just cute when you blush." I giggled again
"Aye. Quit flirting back there." Anne said from the front of the car
It was now my turn to blush. Harry giggled at me too.
"We're here. Quickly, lets get inside." Anne said
We all got out of the car. Harry and I both looked up at the big building in awe. I took his hand and gave him another reassuring squeeze.
"Audrey, I'm not so sure about this."
"You'll do amazing."
We ran into the building and got Harry his sticker and a few extra things too. He had his quick interview and said the basic things about him.
"I'm Harry Styles, I'm 16 and I'm from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire."
"This is really happening. Oh my gosh." Harry sister said to me
"I know he'll go far with his career." We both nodded
"What's your name love? I never quite caught it." She asked
"Audrey. You?"
"Gemma. Harry's sister."
"Nice to meet you Gemma. Your brother will do amazing at his audition I bet." I said looking over to Harry who was by the stage ready to go on soon.
"You and Harry are a cute couple. It's adorable really." She smiled while i choked a bit on my saliva
"Oh um.. We're not-"
"No. You will be. I just know my way around love. Trust me on this one." She gave me a wink
I flushed at the thought of Harry and I and felt my stomach tingle inside
I made my way over to Harry.
"You ready?" I asked
"Most defiantly! I'm so pumped."
"Harry Styles you're up next in 5" A man said to Harry
My heart skipped a beat. I was quiet excited and nervous myself.
"I wanna give you this." Harry said taking a chain with a silver paper airplane off his neck and pressed it into the palm of my hand
"Harry I-"
"Take it. It's good luck." He smiled
I grabbed the locked around my neck and pressed it into the palm of Harry's hand.
"This is my good luck charm and I want you to have it." I smiled
He put it around his neck and gave me a tight hug
"Thank you."
"Harry Styles you're up." The man said again
My nervousness was interrupted by Harry's lips on mine. It was fast and simple but it left a tingle. I opened my eyes and Harry was walking on stage with a slight tint of red on his face.
"What did I tell you?" Gemma smirked
Sorry for short chapter and late update. I was busy with all my finals (that i failed lol)
But I have 5 more days of school UGH
and for depression support follow @DPRESSINGLOL
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-Tina ♡

Don't Forget About Me {Harry Styles}
FanficMy best friend Harry and I were inseparable. Were. It was the horrible, nasty thing that tore us apart, and that was Harry's career. I would've sworn that our friendship was meant to be. But it was time for him to go. What if's are my worst enemy. S...