"So Auddy. I know where just friends and all but I would really like to take you on a date. A friend date if you wanna call it. Are you up for it."
I practically choked on my drink.
"Um.. I uh.."
"Yea I'd love to!" I said enthusiastically
"That great.! Want me to pick you up at 7?"
"Yeah perfect!"
I swear.. This smile on my face right now was totally permanent.
"I guess I should drop you off so you could get ready."
We carried our warm cups to his car and started driving to my house.
What should I wear? Where are we going? What if I look ugly?
I took a deep breath. It's only Harry. The kid I might be falling for.
I looked up at him. Yea I really do think I might be falling for this kid but I'm so in denial.
Harry pulled up to my drive way and hopped out while saying a quick thank you. I'm so nervous about this date thing. I fiddled with the keys until I found the right one and turned it in the door. I ran inside almost tripping over my own feet and ran into the shower. I've never been so nervous and anxious.
God what this boy does to me. It just drives me insane!
I quickly dried off and picked out a sweet red summer dress that hugged my curves perfectly and a pair of beige heels. I did all of the usual girly stuff. Which included makeup and hair. And honest to god i looked like a model. I was actually confident for once.
I grabbed my clutch tossing my light brown curls over my shoulder as the door bell rang. My heart stopped. I don't even know if I should open the door.
I inhaled deeply and twisted the door knob with my slightly sweaty hand.
That wasn't my Harry. That was a perfectly cleaned up boy who looked like he was going to prom. How cute.
"Woah." He said
I blushed and took the hand harry held out for me to take.
I stepped closed the door and walked to Harrys car. Hand in hand with the boy who I fell for.
I'm so sorry for only updating 2 times today. I legit wrote this chapter in 10 minutes I didn't even check it over so don't hate me.
30 votes= next chapter(:
-Tina {@vas_happenin__bois IG}

Don't Forget About Me {Harry Styles}
FanfictionMy best friend Harry and I were inseparable. Were. It was the horrible, nasty thing that tore us apart, and that was Harry's career. I would've sworn that our friendship was meant to be. But it was time for him to go. What if's are my worst enemy. S...