I felt the bass pounding into my chest. People fist pumping and and total drunks at 2 in the afternoon..
Sweat beaded against my forehead. My head was in quite some pain but I pushed that aside so I can just have some fun.
"This is awesome!" Harry yelled over the loud music
"I know!" I agreed
We jumped, fist pumped and tried to make the best of our lives.
"Hey beautiful." I kid walked up to me and touched my ass
I looked over to Harry but he was so into the music.
"Um. Uh." I stuttered.
I felt his hand grasp my wrist firmly and yank me close to his chest. I didn't dare to look up into his eyes.
I just felt his hot breath on my face and strong hands digging into my skin.
"Come with me. Make a peep and ill kill ya'" He pulled me through the crowd
I was mentally screaming. My heart was racing. I tried to wiggling myself out of his grip but I had nothing but failure.
I looked back at Harry. He was getting smaller and smaller as I was pulled through the crowd
"Audrey!" I heard a yell that I figured was Harry
"Audrey!" I heard again
A familiar blonde soon came to my rescue.
"Dude, let her go." I looked up to see Niall
Niall puffed out his chest to make him look more manly
"Sorry lad, I called her first." The man growled
"Shes mine, now let her go the easy way, or we can step outside and settle this the hard way." Niall came close to the scary man who finally let go of me
"I always like a challenge." The man gave Niall a little push before they stepped outside
"No, Niall!" I screamed
Niall looked back at me before he stepped outside.
I ran outside. I was overwhelmed by the punches that were thrown. Punch by punch this fight was getting really rough.
"Niall, stop!" I felt tears rush against my eyes
I've only just met Niall, but I really felt a connection with him. I felt arms wrap around me. I jolted and turned around. I looked up to see a sweaty Harry.
"Audrey! Why did you leave me?" Harry asked
I just pointed to the mysterious man who pulled me to him.
"He-he.." I mumbled.
Harry pulled me into his grip and waited until the fight was over.
The man threw a rough punch to Niall's jaw which caused him to stumble to the ground.
"Niall!" I screamed running towards him. I kneeled down to only be pushed into a puddle of rain.
The stupid man again! He can't be serious. My hair was soaked and my clothing was soggy.
Niall got up on his feet and ran to the man and they both fell to the ground, Niall on top.
Harry came over to me to protect me from any other harm from this fight. He held me close. I shut my eyes and tried not to shiver. I prayed that Niall would be okay.
I opened my eyes to see Niall bending down next to me. Blood dripping from almost every point of his face.
"Niall are you okay?" I wiped his face with my jacket
"Who is this kid?" Harry asks
"It shouldn't matter. He saved my life. But he goes to my school. I met him earlier today." I smiled at both boys
I was so lucky to know these 2 wonderful boys.
"Yea." Niall agreed
"Well, we should get going now." Harry said helping me up.
"Niall do you need some help? Or a lift?" I asked
"Actually no I'm okay. I live right around the corner from the hospital so ill be fine. Thanks though."
"No, thank you. You saved me." I smiled and gave Niall a hug with all the energy I had left in me.
"Anytime. Ill see you around."
"Yea. See ya." My voice faded as Harry wrapped an arm around my shoulder and walked away as Niall did the same.
I got into Harry's car. Harry got a blanket out from this trunk and wrapped it around me. I held it close and we started our way to my house.
"I'm so sorry. I should've helped." Harry said depressed
"It's okay. I'm happy Niall was there. He's a really nice kid." I smiled thinking about his blonde hair and blue eyes.
I could sense that Harry felt a tad bit jealous. His knuckles became white as he gripped the stirring wheel harder.
I sighed and looked out the window. The car made a turn into my driveway and I got out gripping the towel closer to my body. My clothes were still a bit damp.
I opened my front door, walked up my stairs and made my way to my room. I dragged my bag down on my floor.
I took off all my wet clothes and put on a big white t shirt of my fathers.
I tied my hair into a little knot on my head and made my way downstairs.
I noticed Harry leaning by the fire with a lighter.
The wood and paper lit up and he smiled. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. We cuddled under the blankets while humming a little melody. I fell asleep after I felt a peck of lips on my cheek
"Goodnight gorgeous."
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Check out my instagram; @DirectionDesires
-Tina ♡

Don't Forget About Me {Harry Styles}
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