I sat awkwardly in my seat as people ate their food. I squirmed in my seat trying not to binge.
Honestly the auditions were getting a bit boring. I just can't wait to see Harry. His beautiful curls, and cute clumsiness. I just hope this isn't love. I let out a quiet laugh. No one could ever love me with my insecurities. My ugliness. My walls are put up. They're hard as a rock. No one will ever break through and cover me with love. Not that anyone would want to anyway.
I hummed the song that was playing for someone's audition as I fiddled with the apps on my phone. I looked up to see a cute tan skinned boy. He wasn't just any boy. He was extremely talented.
All the judges agreed that he was a great singer so they all said yes and he was through to bookcamp.
"The auditions for today are finished. For the finalists of today, bookcamp begins tomorrow morning at 7am. Thank you." Simon said packing up his stuff along with the other judges.
I stuffed my phone in my pocket searching for Harry. I stood on my tippy toes looking for a curly boy. Over the hundreds of heads I was looking over I saw a curly mop of hair looking at me.
"Excuse me." I said pushing people a bit and running into Harry's arms
"You did so great. I'm so proud of you!" I took him into my bone crushing hug
"Thanks Auddy." He smiled
"Harry!" Anne ran to him and gave him a hug and kiss
Harry blushed in embarrassment and pulled away.
"Thanks guys." He laughed
"You and Audrey deserve a night out. Go for a walk or something. We'll meet you later." Gemma said giving me a wink
"Alright." Harry smiled
We started walking out of the room glancing around at the happy contestants that got through and the disappointed ones who didn't. I felt his hand brush up against mine. I could feel my heart skipping a bit. Harry looked down on me as I bit my lip out of nervousness and grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze. His hand was warm and comforting.
"I'll miss you. Well... If I get through bootcamp and stuff." Harry sighed
"I'll miss you too, but don't worry about me. Just try to do your best and make me and your family proud."
"I'll make sure I do that." He smiled
We continued to walk down the street, but we came to a stop at a park. A few trees, a pond, a few benches and a swing set.
Harry took a seat on the swing and gestured me to take the other one so I did. I lowered myself and plopped myself onto the piece of plastic. I kicked the dirt on the ground and swung with the wind. The birds were chirping and there was a nice breeze.
"You will remember me, right?" I ask a little embarrassed
"What? Why would I forget you?"
"You're going to be so busy and stuff. I wouldn't blame you if you did forget." I looked down upon my feet
"Audrey you're amazing and impossible to forget. You actually one of the greatest things that ever happened to me."
"It's funny because I could say that same about you." I smiled
1 Year Later...

Don't Forget About Me {Harry Styles}
أدب الهواةMy best friend Harry and I were inseparable. Were. It was the horrible, nasty thing that tore us apart, and that was Harry's career. I would've sworn that our friendship was meant to be. But it was time for him to go. What if's are my worst enemy. S...