like crazy

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(( This is a high school au ^^ But OC is the popular girl and BIAS is the nerdy or unpopular boy ))  

(( This is a high school au ^^ But OC is the popular girl and BIAS is the nerdy or unpopular boy ))  

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   You didn't really understand why exactly you were in the clique that you were in, to be frank .

   You weren't the kind of girl who enjoyed being mean or putting down the people around you .

   At least, in your mind that was true .

   But then again, you were so used to being the "mean popular girl" with the "mean popular friends", you didn't really know how exactly to just be a... well... normal student .

   And because you were a "mean popular girl", one would think you would only want to date popular cool guys, right ?

   Well, not necessarily .

   Instead of being attracted to the typical cool popular jock or "bad boy", you had your eyes on a boy who... wasn't really anything special in the eyes of your friends.

   And it seemed like the more you saw him, seeing how handsome and cute he was whenever he smiled and laughed with his own friends, you couldn't help but gain feelings for him .

   A genuine crush .

   BIAS, a boy who could probably be considered "geeky" or "a massive dork" - as your friends liked to call him .

   He was one of the main students your friends would make fun of often .

   And you felt awful, not being able to speak up or help him .

   Because of you and your friends' reputation, it seemed pretty typical of him to not want anything to do with you .

   So you decided that you would try to flirt with him, try to talk to him and be nice to him .

   But since he obviously knew who you were, he simply tried to ignore you or brushed off whatever stupid thing you'd say to try and woo him .

   It was clear to you then, he didn't want anything to do with you .

   Despite that, no matter how much it hurt, you didn't give up .

   Though you figured you would try to change your approach .

   Instead of just constantly flirting with him, you would ask him to do a simple favor .

   You would ask him to tutor you .

   Seeing that your grades weren't really... ideal... in your ( insert subject ) class, you decided to use that as an excuse to try and get him to lower his guard .

   And could have a little fun with it as well .

   You had a plan .

   And all you had to do was approach him when he's at his locker .

   The next day at school when the bell for lunch rang for the day, you said "see you later" to your friends as you noticed BIAS opened his locker .

   Starting your plan, you casually made your way over to him .

   Though the moment he saw you, his smile turned into a more annoyed frown before he sighed with a small huff .

   You were clearly the last person he wanted to interact with .

"What do you want, OC.."  



+ name:  

+ age: ( AT LEAST 17 OR 18 PLEASE ) 

+ failing subject:  

+ bias:  

+ smut?: ( YES OR NO )  

(( If you say yes for smut, list kinks, turn ons and turn offs ^^ )) 

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