02: Another Star!?

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Dio stepped out of his room in the apartment building, and the original host of his body was staying. He took a deep breath of the stale, musty air and felt a sense of disgust. How could someone live in such squalor? But then, he reminded himself that he was no longer the omnipotent being that he once was. He had to make do on what he had.

While walking down the hallway, he noticed that his new body felt different than his old one. He was no longer the towering figure he had been before, and he had to adjust to the limitations of his new form. But he refused to let this hold him back. He would adapt and overcome, just as he always had.

As he reached the end of the hallway, he pushed open the door to the stairwell and descended down the staircase with his thoughts surfing through the memories of his old host.

A pitying smile made its way on his face, feeling rather amused on the misfortune that had come across the man's life before ultimately deciding to kill himself as an act of escaping his pathetic life.

"Well, do not worry whoever you are." He chuckled as he reached the bottom of the stairs case. He flexed his fingers and grinned even more as he could feel it at the very back of his mind.

"I, the great Dio, would make use of your pathetic body and use it for utmost elegance and grandeur."

With a snap of his fingers, a golden aura around him flared to life as the world manifested behind him once again. It felt comforting, knowing that though he had lost his immortality, he still wielded the strongest power that mankind would ever bare witness.

His crimson eyes wondered, searching for a victim to test his powers on. The hallway he was on was empty. Every room held no life within their walls, nor was there any sound apart from the busy streets below.

But he wasn't out of luck as there was one other person in the hallway with him, a rather lanky figure that wore a gray hoodie that covered his body. He held a bouquet of flowers, probably to ask out a woman he had liked, or perhaps he was a married man planning to surprise his wife.

It, however, did not matter to Dio.

"Ho, a suitable test subject." He mumbled as he took a deep breath, " ZA WARUDO, MAKE IT STOP BABY. "

His gleeful voice filled the air as the world around him became devoid of color, and no sound could be heard.

Dio sneered, proudly walking towards the man with his heels clicking against the floor. This was it, the sense of invincibility he had just lost. It wasn't much compared to before, but he still had it.

Unlimited potential for power.

"Hmm, you are insignificant little insect. Allow me to give you a fitting end." Dio cackled before ordering the world to punch the man multiple times, sending him flying with trails of blood as time resumed again without his command.

"It seems that with this life, disappointment is common." He clicked his tongue as his time stop only lasted a mere 3 seconds, two seconds less that he was used to before drinking Joseph's blood.


He heard a melodius voice beside him, and he turned to face the woman that seemed to be frozen in shock from what she had just witnessed. A sense of satisfaction filled Dio from the woman's stare, but it disappeared not long after as he thought about whether or not to murder the woman.

"Sonna..." the woman muttered, popping her head out of the door frame to glance at the unconscious body of the man previously before her, then turned to stare at Dio with glimmering eyes.


Dio took a step back, bewildered from the two stars that shone brightly inside the woman's eyes.

' Another Star!? Is she a Joestar!? No, that's not possible! What kind of cruel fate is this if that were to be!'

"Anata wa mattaku doko kara kita no ka to iu yō na kankyaku ni sokuju no tsui ni uchimawarete, watashi wa sore o mitorete imashita! Sōzō suru to subarashī!"

The woman continued to gush, pushing herself closer to Dio's face, which caused his left eye to twitch on how annoying she was getting, yet he couldn't just randomly kill her.

He may be a power-hungry man who aims for world domination, but he wasn't gonna invoke the wrath of what might be a descendant of those that had beat him in the first place.

"Oi, omae no namae wa nan da!?" She continued to speak until they were only a hair apart.

Dio calmed down his nerves and took a deep breath, taking another step back to fix his shirt before staring at her with a confused stare.

' hmm, if I can check this man's memory, then I can probably start understanding Japanese." He thought and closed his eyes, wacking his mind to jumpstart it.

"Matte... tabun kare wa gaikokujin ka?" The woman whispered to herself before taking a deep breath and looked up to him.

"H-Hallo, t-tank yu fo....sabing...mi" She tried to speak in English, something that she wasn't used to, which made Dio sigh.

"Oh, sorry. I can speak Japanese just fine." Dio offered a small smile as he looked down at her.

It was then the girl's eyes once again sparkled, "Oooh, I see. I see." She nodded to herself before pointing a finger at him.

"I'll ask you again. What's your name?" She asked with a smile that made Dio smirk as he easily figured out it was a smile that showed years of practice to perfect.

And who else would perfect something feeble and natural as a smile than a person who was naturally deceptive?

"Why do I need to tell you that? I'm just passing by." Dio waved her off. "And I think it's proper etiquette that you should introduce yourself first before asking someone that."

The question seemed to have caught her off guard as she took a step back, her left eye twitching as she seemed hurt by the question.

"W-what do you mean? Do you nor recognize me?" She chuckled nervously, a sense of anxiety and embarrassment washing over her.

Dio cocked his head to the side,"Hm? Should I know you?" He asked, unsure if he had just offended her and if he should kill her on the spot just now.

"W-well... I guess I should introduce myself to my savior. " she giggled before taking a deep breath and wore a brilliant smile, posing in front of him with her fingers forming a heart

"My name is Ai Hoshino from B-komachi!"

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