30: Second Role

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In the elegantly decorated office of renowned movie director, Mr. Haruki Kumagai, Dio, Aqua, and Kana anxiously waited for their turn. The room was adorned with framed posters of Kumagai's critically acclaimed films, creating an aura of artistic excellence. Kana fidgeted in her seat, her small hands clasped tightly together.

"This is a big movie, Y/N," Kana whispered, her voice trembling with nervous anticipation. "I'm not sure if I can do it."

Aqua, sitting next to her, tried to offer some reassurance. He patted Kana's back gently, but his own unease was evident in his eyes. "Kana, you've got this. Just believe in yourself, and remember all the hard work we've put into preparing for this."

Kana gave a weak smile, appreciating Aqua's attempt to calm her nerves, but the weight of the moment still hung heavily on her small shoulders.

Meanwhile, Dio sat in a corner of the room, seemingly absorbed in reading information about the renowned director. His sharp eyes scanned the pages, absorbing every detail. Yet, as he read, his thoughts drifted to Ai, his mind unable to shake the lingering memories of her. The corners of his mouth curved into a faint smile, tinged with a hint of sadness.

Mr. Kumagai's office door swung open, and an assistant called out, "Y/N, Aqua, and Kana, please come in."

The trio entered the director's office, finding themselves surrounded by an atmosphere of creativity and ambition. Mr. Haruki Kumagai, a distinguished figure with graying hair and a keen gaze, welcomed them with a warm smile.

"Ah, Y/N, Aqua, Kana, please have a seat," Kumagai said, gesturing toward a sleek black leather couch.

Dio took a seat, his usual air of confidence masking the emotions churning within him. Aqua sat next to him, offering a reassuring smile to Kana, who nervously took her place.

The door swung open, revealing a burst of energy in the form of a child with purplish hair and vibrant blue highlights. It was none other than Akane, a familiar face to Dio. She hurriedly entered the room, apologizing for her tardiness with a flurry of words and a bow. Her eyes darted around the room, finally settling on Aqua, who greeted her with a warm smile.

"S-Sorry if I'm late!" Akane stammered, her voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She quickly made her way to the couch, finding an empty space next to Aqua. He welcomed her with open arms, instantly creating a comfortable atmosphere.

"You two know each other?" Kana interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of jealousy that Akane failed to notice. Akane beamed at Kana, her enthusiasm evident.

"Y-yeah! We met on a talk show once! But you're Kana Arima, right? I'm so thrilled to be working with you!" Akane exclaimed, her excitement infectious. Kana, caught off guard by the genuine enthusiasm, couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle.

"R-Right, that's me. Don't worry, I'll do my best to support you," Kana responded, attempting to put on an air of confidence. Dio couldn't help but smile, pleased with the progress of his plan involving the three of them.

Kumagai, leaning back in his chair, observed the four of them with a discerning gaze. "I've been following your work closely. Your performances have caught my attention, especially your dedication and range, Kana."

Kana's eyes widened, and her heartbeat quickened. She tried her best to steady herself and responded with a voice that quivered slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Kumagai. It's an honor to meet you."

Kumagai nodded, his expression indicating approval. "Now, let's talk about the project. It's an ambitious film that explores the depths of human emotions and tests the boundaries of love and sacrifice. I believe all of you possess the talent and potential to bring these characters to life."

As Kumagai handed Dio the script for the upcoming romance movie, Dio couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and bewilderment. He glanced down at the script, his mind racing with questions. Why was he being drafted for a romance film? Had his reputation as a villain typecast him in such a way?

Kumugai, the director, had just finished explaining the premise of the movie, emphasizing the tender love story and the emotional depth of the characters. Dio listened intently, his thoughts wandering to his recent sessions with his therapist.

A brief flashback played in his mind, depicting Dio sitting across from his therapist. The therapist, a middle-aged man with glasses, had been determined to break through Dio's tough exterior and delve into his emotional psyche. However, Dio, with his usual charisma and charm, had managed to turn the tables.

"Boy, aren't you just a charmer. You remind me of my dad when he told me stories about his high school escapades with the ladies." Dr. Tsubasa chuckled to himself, reminiscing about his own youthful adventures. Taking a deep breath, he focused his attention back on Dio.

"Mr. Y/N, I believe I have identified the root cause of your condition." The doctor's tone turned serious, causing Dio to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Y/N... you are suffering from a rare and advanced stage of a peculiar ailment. I'm afraid you are afflicted with... love sickness," he revealed, his regret evident in his voice.

"Goodbye, Doctor," Dio deadpanned, his words carrying a hint of disbelief. With a nonchalant flick of his wrist, Dio opened the office door and strode away, leaving Dr. Tsubasa in a state of shock, his head buried in a nearby trashcan, an act that Dio had effortlessly executed using his time-stopping abilities.

Returning to the present, Dio looked up at Kumugai, his expression a mixture of curiosity and resignation. "I must admit, Kumugai-san, I'm surprised by this choice. I never imagined myself starring in a romance film. But perhaps," he paused, his eyes drifting towards the script, "it's time for me to explore a different side of my acting abilities."

Kumugai nodded, his face filled with anticipation. "Y/N-san, I have faith in your talent and versatility. I believe you can bring a unique depth to the character and create an unforgettable romance on screen."

Dio's gaze lingered on the script once more, his mind grappling with the unexpected path his career had taken. He couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead and how this role would challenge him. Embracing the uncertainty, he sighed softly, ready to embark on a new chapter and discover the depths of his own emotions through the lens of romance.

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